Reporting bugs

    If any part of the etcd project has bugs or documentation mistakes, please let us know by . We treat bugs and mistakes very seriously and believe no issue is too small. Before creating a bug report, please check that an issue reporting the same problem does not already exist.

    To make the bug report accurate and easy to understand, please try to create bug reports that are:

    • Specific. Include as much details as possible: which version, what environment, what configuration, etc. If the bug is related to running the etcd server, please attach the etcd log (the starting log with etcd configuration is especially important).

    • Isolated. Please try to isolate and reproduce the bug with minimum dependencies. It would significantly slow down the speed to fix a bug if too many dependencies are involved in a bug report. Debugging external systems that rely on etcd is out of scope, but we are happy to provide guidance in the right direction or help with using etcd itself.

    • Unique. Do not duplicate existing bug report.

    We might ask for further information to locate a bug. A duplicated bug report will be closed.

    Due to an upstream systemd bug, journald may miss the last few log lines when its processes exit. If journalctl says etcd stopped without fatal or panic message, try to get full log.