Geo Troubleshooting

Geo Troubleshooting




访问节点的 管理区> 浏览器中的地理位置/admin/geo/nodes ). 我们在每个辅助节点上执行以下运行状况检查,以帮助识别是否存在问题:

  • 节点是否在运行?
  • 节点的辅助数据库是否已配置用于流复制?
  • 是否已配置节点的辅助跟踪数据库?
  • 节点的辅助跟踪数据库是否已连接?
  • 节点的辅助跟踪数据库是否是最新的?

有关如何解决从 UI 报告的常见错误的信息,请参阅” 修复常见错误” .


此 Rake 任务可以在主要辅助 Geo 节点中的应用程序节点上运行:


  1. Checking Geo ...
  2. GitLab Geo is available ... yes
  3. GitLab Geo is enabled ... yes
  4. This machine's Geo node name matches a database record ... yes, found a secondary node named "Shanghai"
  5. GitLab Geo secondary database is correctly configured ... yes
  6. Database replication enabled? ... yes
  7. Database replication working? ... yes
  8. GitLab Geo tracking database is configured to use Foreign Data Wrapper? ... yes
  9. GitLab Geo tracking database Foreign Data Wrapper schema is up-to-date? ... yes
  10. GitLab Geo HTTP(S) connectivity ...
  11. * Can connect to the primary node ... yes
  12. HTTP/HTTPS repository cloning is enabled ... yes
  13. Machine clock is synchronized ... yes
  14. Git user has default SSH configuration? ... yes
  15. OpenSSH configured to use AuthorizedKeysCommand ... yes
  16. GitLab configured to disable writing to authorized_keys file ... yes
  17. GitLab configured to store new projects in hashed storage? ... yes
  18. All projects are in hashed storage? ... yes
  19. Checking Geo ... Finished

通过在任何辅助应用程序节点上运行以下 Rake 任务,可以手动找到当前同步信息:

  1. sudo gitlab-rake geo:status


  2. -----------------------------------------------------
  3. GitLab Version: 11.10.4-ee
  4. Geo Role: Secondary
  5. Health Status: Healthy
  6. Repositories: 289/289 (100%)
  7. Verified Repositories: 289/289 (100%)
  8. Wikis: 289/289 (100%)
  9. Verified Wikis: 289/289 (100%)
  10. LFS Objects: 8/8 (100%)
  11. Attachments: 5/5 (100%)
  12. CI job artifacts: 0/0 (0%)
  13. Repositories Checked: 0/289 (0%)
  14. Sync Settings: Full
  15. Database replication lag: 0 seconds
  16. Last event ID seen from primary: 10215 (about 2 minutes ago)
  17. Last status report was: 2 minutes ago

Check if PostgreSQL replication is working

要检查 PostgreSQL 复制是否正常,请检查:

Are nodes pointing to the correct database instance?



Can Geo detect the current node correctly?

Geo 通过以下方式在/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb找到当前计算机的 Geo 节点名称:

  • 使用gitlab_rails['geo_node_name']设置.
  • 如果未定义,请使用external_url设置.

该名称用于在其中查找具有相同名称的节点 管理区> 地理位置 .


  1. sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:geo:check


  1. This machine's Geo node name matches a database record ... yes, found a secondary node named "Shanghai"
  1. This machine's Geo node name matches a database record ... no
  2. Try fixing it:
  3. You could add or update a Geo node database record, setting the name to "".
  4. Or you could set this machine's Geo node name to match the name of an existing database record: "London", "Shanghai"
  5. For more information see:
  6. doc/administration/geo/replication/

Fixing errors found when running the Geo check Rake task

运行此 Rake 任务时,如果未正确配置节点,则可能会看到错误:

  1. sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:geo:check
  1. 连接到数据库时,Rails 没有提供密码

    1. Checking Geo ...
    2. GitLab Geo is available ... Exception: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
    3. GitLab Geo is enabled ... Exception: fe_sendauth: no password supplied
    4. ...
    5. Checking Geo ... Finished
    • 确保将gitlab_rails['db_password']设置为为postgresql['sql_user_password']创建哈希时使用的纯文本密码.
  2. Rails 无法连接到数据库

    1. Checking Geo ...
    2. GitLab Geo is available ... Exception: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "gitlab", database "gitlabhq_production", SSL on
    3. FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "gitlab", database "gitlabhq_production", SSL off
    4. GitLab Geo is enabled ... Exception: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "gitlab", database "gitlabhq_production", SSL on
    5. FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "gitlab", database "gitlabhq_production", SSL off
    6. ...
    7. Checking Geo ... Finished
    • 确保您具有postgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses']包含的 rails 节点的 IP 地址.
    • 确保在 IP 地址上包括子网掩码: postgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses'] = [''] .
  3. Rails 提供了错误的密码

    1. Checking Geo ...
    2. GitLab Geo is available ... Exception: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "gitlab"
    3. FATAL: password authentication failed for user "gitlab"
    4. GitLab Geo is enabled ... Exception: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "gitlab"
    5. FATAL: password authentication failed for user "gitlab"
    6. ...
    7. Checking Geo ... Finished
    • 验证正确的密码设置为gitlab_rails['db_password']创建中的散列时所使用postgresql['sql_user_password']通过运行gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 gitlab并输入密码.
  4. 检查返回的不是辅助节点

    1. Checking Geo ...
    2. GitLab Geo is available ... yes
    3. GitLab Geo is enabled ... yes
    4. GitLab Geo secondary database is correctly configured ... not a secondary node
    5. Database replication enabled? ... not a secondary node
    6. ...
    7. Checking Geo ... Finished
    • 确保您已在节点的管理区添加辅助节点.
    • 在管理节点中添加辅助节点属于节点时,请确保输入了external_urlgitlab_rails['geo_node_name'] .
    • 之前 GitLab 12.4,编辑中的节点的管理区的二次节点,并确保有一个尾随/Name字段中.
  5. 检查返回Exception: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "geo_nodes" does not exist

    1. Checking Geo ...
    2. Try fixing it:
    3. Upload a new license that includes the GitLab Geo feature
    4. For more information see:
    6. GitLab Geo is enabled ... Exception: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "geo_nodes" does not exist
    7. LINE 8: WHERE a.attrelid = '"geo_nodes"'::regclass
    8. ^
    9. : SELECT a.attname, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
    10. pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), a.attnotnull, a.atttypid, a.atttypmod,
    11. c.collname, col_description(a.attrelid, a.attnum) AS comment
    12. FROM pg_attribute a
    13. LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON a.attrelid = d.adrelid AND a.attnum = d.adnum
    14. LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON a.atttypid = t.oid
    15. LEFT JOIN pg_collation c ON a.attcollation = c.oid AND a.attcollation <> t.typcollation
    16. WHERE a.attrelid = '"geo_nodes"'::regclass
    17. AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped
    18. ORDER BY a.attnum
    19. ...
    20. Checking Geo ... Finished

    在执行 PostgreSQL 主版本(9> 10)时,这是预期的. 跟随:


Message: ERROR: replication slots can only be used if max_replication_slots > 0?

这意味着需要在数据库上设置max_replication_slots PostgreSQL 变量. 在 GitLab 9.4 中,我们将此设置默认设置为 1.如果您有更多辅助节点,则可能需要增加该值.

确保重新启动 PostgreSQL 才能生效. 有关更多详细信息,请参见《 PostgreSQL 复制设置指南》.

Message: FATAL: could not start WAL streaming: ERROR: replication slot "geo_secondary_my_domain_com" does not exist?

当 PostgreSQL 没有该名称的辅助节点的复制插槽时,会发生这种情况.

您可能需要在辅助节点上重新运行复制过程 .

Message: “Command exceeded allowed execution time” when setting up replication?

辅助节点上启动复制过程时可能会发生这种情况,并表明您的初始数据集太大,无法在默认超时(30 分钟)内进行复制.

重新运行gitlab-ctl replicate-geo-database ,但是为--backup-timeout包含一个更大的值:

  1. sudo gitlab-ctl \
  2. replicate-geo-database \
  3. --host=<primary_node_hostname> \
  4. --slot-name=<secondary_slot_name> \
  5. --backup-timeout=21600

这将使初始复制最多需要六个小时才能完成,而不是默认的三十分钟. 根据安装要求进行调整.

Message: “PANIC: could not write to file pg_xlog/xlogtemp.123: No space left on device”

确定数据库中是否有未使用的复制插槽. 这可能导致在pg_xlog建立大量的日志数据. 删除未使用的插槽可以减少pg_xlog使用的空间.

  1. 启动 PostgreSQL 控制台会话:

    1. sudo gitlab-psql

    注意: 注意:使用gitlab-rails dbconsole无效,因为管理复制插槽需要超级用户权限.

  2. 使用以下方法查看您的复制插槽:

    1. SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots;


  • 当该插槽应处于活动状态时,因为您已使用该插槽配置了辅助节点,请登录到该辅助节点,并检查 PostgreSQL 日志为什么复制未运行.

  • 如果您不再使用该插槽(例如,您不再启用地理位置),则可以在 PostgreSQL 控制台会话中将其删除:

    1. SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('<name_of_extra_slot>');

Message: “ERROR: canceling statement due to conflict with recovery”


但是,在某些情况下,辅助数据库上的某些数据库查询可能运行时间过长,从而增加了此错误的发生频率. 在某些时候,其中某些查询由于每次都会被取消而永远无法完成.

这些长期运行的查询 ,但作为解决方法,我们建议启用hot_standby_feedback . 这增加了节点上发生膨胀的可能性,因为它阻止了VACUUM删除最近失效的行. 但是,它已在 上成功用于生产中.

要启用hot_standby_feedback ,请将以下内容添加到辅助节点上的/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

  1. sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

为了帮助我们解决这个问题,可以考虑在评论 .

Message: LOG: invalid CIDR mask in address


  1. 2020-03-20_23:59:57.60499 LOG: invalid CIDR mask in address "***"
  2. 2020-03-20_23:59:57.60501 CONTEXT: line 74 of configuration file "/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf"

要解决此问题,请更新postgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses']/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb的 IP 地址,以遵守 CIDR 格式(即1.2.3.4/32 ).

当您在postgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses']添加了没有子网掩码的 IP 地址时,就会发生这种情况.

  1. 2020-03-21_00:23:01.97353 LOG: invalid IP mask "md5": Name or service not known
  2. 2020-03-21_00:23:01.97354 CONTEXT: line 75 of configuration file "/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf"

要解决此问题, /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rbpostgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses']postgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses']添加子网掩码,以遵守 CIDR 格式(即1.2.3.4/32 ).

Very large repositories never successfully synchronize on the secondary node

GitLab 对所有存储库克隆都设置了超时,包括项目导入和地理同步操作. 如果主数据库上的存储库的新git clone花费几分钟以上,则您可能会受到此影响.


  1. gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_git_timeout'] = 10800

然后重新配置 GitLab:

  1. sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

这会将超时增加到三个小时(10800 秒). 选择足够长的时间来容纳您最大的存储库的完整克隆.

New LFS objects are never replicated

如果新的 LFS 对象永远不会复制到辅助 Geo 节点,请检查您正在运行的 GitLab 版本. GitLab 版本 11.11.x 或 12.0.x 受影响, 该错误导致新的 LFS 对象无法复制到 Geo 辅助节点 .

要解决此问题,请升级到 GitLab 12.1 或更高版本.

Resetting Geo secondary node replication


  1. 停止 Sidekiq 和 Geo LogCursor

    可以使 Sidekiq 正常停止,但可以使其停止获取新作业,并等到当前作业完成处理为止.

    您需要在第一阶段发送SIGTSTP 终止信号,并在所有作业完成后向它们发送SIGTERM . 否则,只需使用gitlab-ctl stop命令.

    1. gitlab-ctl status sidekiq
    2. # run: sidekiq: (pid 10180) <- this is the PID you will use
    3. kill -TSTP 10180 # change to the correct PID
    4. gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq
    5. gitlab-ctl stop geo-logcursor

    您可以查看 Sidekiq 日志以了解 Sidekiq 作业处理何时完成:

    1. gitlab-ctl tail sidekiq
  2. 重命名存储库存储文件夹并创建新的. 如果您不担心可能的孤立目录和文件,则只需跳过此步骤.

    1. mv /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories.old
    2. mkdir -p /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories
    3. chown git:git /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories


  3. (可选)重命名其他数据文件夹并创建新的

    警告辅助节点上可能仍有文件已从节点中删除,但未反映出删除情况. 如果您跳过此步骤,它们将永远不会从此 Geo 节点中删除.

    任何上载的内容(如文件附件,化身或 LFS 对象)都存储在以下两个路径之一的子文件夹中:

    • /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared
    • /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/uploads


    1. gitlab-ctl stop
    2. mv /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared.old
    3. mkdir -p /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared
    4. mv /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/uploads /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/uploads.old
    5. mkdir -p /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/uploads
    6. gitlab-ctl start geo-postgresql


    1. gitlab-ctl reconfigure
  4. 重置跟踪数据库

    1. gitlab-rake geo:db:drop # on a secondary app node
    2. gitlab-ctl reconfigure # on the tracking database node
  5. 重新启动先前停止的服务

    1. gitlab-ctl start
  6. 刷新外部数据包装器表

    1. gitlab-rake geo:db:refresh_foreign_tables

Fixing errors during a failover or when promoting a secondary to a primary node


Message: ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Name has already been taken

升级辅助节点时 ,您可能会遇到以下错误:

  1. Running gitlab-rake geo:set_secondary_as_primary...
  2. rake aborted!
  3. ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Name has already been taken
  4. /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/ee/lib/tasks/geo.rake:236:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  5. /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/ee/lib/tasks/geo.rake:221:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  6. /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/bundle:23:in `load'
  7. /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/bundle:23:in `<main>'
  8. Tasks: TOP => geo:set_secondary_as_primary
  9. (See full trace by running task with --trace)
  10. You successfully promoted this node!

如果您在运行gitlab-rake geo:set_secondary_as_primarygitlab-ctl promote-to-primary-node时遇到此消息,请执行gitlab-rake geo:set_secondary_as_primary任一操作:

  • 输入 Rails 控制台并运行:

    1. Rails.application.load_tasks; nil
    2. Gitlab::Geo.expire_cache!
    3. Rake::Task['geo:set_secondary_as_primary'].invoke
  • 如果安全的话,升级到 GitLab 12.6.3 或更高版本. 例如,如果故障转移只是一个测试. 是固定的.

Message: NoMethodError: undefined methodsecondary?’ for nil:NilClass`


  1. rake aborted!
  2. NoMethodError: undefined method `secondary?' for nil:NilClass
  3. /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/ee/lib/tasks/geo.rake:232:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
  4. /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/ee/lib/tasks/geo.rake:221:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  5. /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/bundle:23:in `load'
  6. /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/bundle:23:in `<main>'
  7. Tasks: TOP => geo:set_secondary_as_primary
  8. (See full trace by running task with --trace)


Message: sudo: gitlab-pg-ctl: command not found

When , you need to run the gitlab-pg-ctl command to promote the PostgreSQL read-replica database.

在 GitLab 12.8 和更早版本中,此命令将失败,并显示以下消息:


  1. sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitlab-pg-ctl promote

GitLab 12.9 及更高版本不受此错误影响 .


“Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) is not configured” error

When setting up Geo, you might see this warning in the gitlab-rake gitlab:geo:check output:

  1. GitLab Geo tracking database Foreign Data Wrapper schema is up-to-date? ... foreign data wrapper is not configured


  1. FDW 设置在地理跟踪数据库上配置.
  2. 配置的外部服务器允许登录到 Geo 二级只读数据库.

默认情况下,Geo 辅助数据库和跟踪数据库在不同端口上的同一主机上运行. 即分别是 5432 和 5431.

Checking configuration

注意:以下步骤仅适用于 Omnibus 安装. 在 GitLab 11.5 中已不建议在基于源的安装中使用 Geo.


  1. SSH 进入辅助节点中的应用程序节点:

    1. sudo -i
    • puma
    • unicorn
    • sidekiq
    • geo-logcursor
  2. 输入数据库控制台:


    1. gitlab-geo-psql


    1. gitlab-geo-psql -U gitlab_geo -h <IP of tracking database>

    系统将提示您输入gitlab_geo用户的密码. 您可以在/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb以纯文本/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb找到它:

    1. geo_secondary['db_password'] = '<geo_tracking_db_password>'

    通常在设置此密码,而在步骤 4:在辅助节点上配置前端应用程序服务器期间在应用程序节点上设置该密码.

  3. 使用以下语句检查是否存在任何表:

    1. SELECT * from information_schema.foreign_tables;


    1. gitlabhq_geo_production=# SELECT * from information_schema.foreign_tables;
    2. foreign_table_catalog | foreign_table_schema | foreign_table_name | foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name
    3. -------------------------+----------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------
    4. gitlabhq_geo_production | gitlab_secondary | abuse_reports | gitlabhq_geo_production | gitlab_secondary
    5. gitlabhq_geo_production | gitlab_secondary | appearances | gitlabhq_geo_production | gitlab_secondary
    6. gitlabhq_geo_production | gitlab_secondary | application_setting_terms | gitlabhq_geo_production | gitlab_secondary
    7. gitlabhq_geo_production | gitlab_secondary | application_settings | gitlabhq_geo_production | gitlab_secondary
    8. <snip>

    但是,如果查询返回0 rows ,则继续进行下一步.

  4. 通过\des+检查外部服务器映射是否正确. 结果应如下所示:

    1. gitlabhq_geo_production=# \des+
    2. List of foreign servers
    3. -[ RECORD 1 ]--------+------------------------------------------------------------
    4. Name | gitlab_secondary
    5. Owner | gitlab-psql
    6. Foreign-data wrapper | postgres_fdw
    7. Access privileges | "gitlab-psql"=U/"gitlab-psql" +
    8. | gitlab_geo=U/"gitlab-psql"
    9. Type |
    10. Version |
    11. FDW Options | (host '', port '5432', dbname 'gitlabhq_production')
    12. Description |

    注意:请特别注意 FDW 选项下的主机和端口. 该配置应指向地理辅助数据库.


    1. ALTER SERVER gitlab_secondary OPTIONS (SET host '<my_new_host>');
    2. ALTER SERVER gitlab_secondary OPTIONS (SET port 5432);

    如果更改主机和/或端口,则还必须在/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb调整以下设置并运行gitlab-ctl reconfigure

    • gitlab_rails['db_host']
    • gitlab_rails['db_port']
  5. 检查通过\deu+是否正确配置了用户映射:

    1. gitlabhq_geo_production=# \deu+
    2. List of user mappings
    3. Server | User name | FDW Options
    4. ------------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5. gitlab_secondary | gitlab_geo | ("user" 'gitlab', password 'YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE')
    6. (1 row)

    确保密码正确. 您可以通过运行psql来测试登录是否有效:

    1. # Connect to the tracking database as the `gitlab_geo` user
    2. sudo \
    3. -u git /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql \
    4. -h /var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql \
    5. -p 5431 \
    6. -U gitlab_geo \
    7. -W \
    8. -d gitlabhq_geo_production


    1. ALTER USER MAPPING FOR gitlab_geo SERVER gitlab_secondary OPTIONS (SET password '<my_new_password>');

    如果更改用户或密码,则还必须在/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb调整以下设置并运行gitlab-ctl reconfigure

    • gitlab_rails['db_username']
    • gitlab_rails['db_password']

    如果要使用PgBouncer ,请确保更新以下设置:

    • geo_postgresql['fdw_external_user']
    • geo_postgresql['fdw_external_password']

Manual reload of FDW schema

如果仍然无法使 FDW 正常工作,则可能需要尝试手动重新加载 FDW 模式. 手动重新加载 FDW 模式:

  1. 在运行 Geo 跟踪数据库的节点上,通过gitlab_geo用户进入 PostgreSQL 控制台:

    1. sudo \
    2. -u git /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql \
    3. -h /var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql \
    4. -p 5431 \
    5. -U gitlab_geo \
    6. -W \
    7. -d gitlabhq_geo_production

    确保为您的配置调整端口和主机名. 可能会要求您输入密码.

  2. 通过以下方式重新加载架构:

    1. DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS gitlab_secondary CASCADE;
    2. CREATE SCHEMA gitlab_secondary;
    3. GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER gitlab_secondary TO gitlab_geo;
    4. IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA public FROM SERVER gitlab_secondary INTO gitlab_secondary;
  3. 测试查询是否有效:

    1. SELECT * from information_schema.foreign_tables;
    2. SELECT * FROM gitlab_secondary.projects limit 1;

GitLab 可能会因Geo database has an outdated FDW remote schema错误Geo database has an outdated FDW remote schema消息而出错.



  1. sudo gitlab-rake geo:db:refresh_foreign_tables

Expired artifacts

如果您出于某种原因注意到,地理辅助节点上的工件比地理主节点上的工件更多,则可以使用 Rake 任务来 .

在 Geo 辅助节点上,此命令还将清除与磁盘上的孤立文件有关的所有 Geo 注册表记录.

Message: The redirect URI included is not valid

如果您能够登录到节点,但是在尝试登录到辅助节点时收到此错误,则应检查 Geo 节点的 URL 是否与其外部 URL 匹配.

  1. 首先,访问 管理区> 地理位置 .
  2. 找到受影响的辅助节点 ,然后单击” 编辑” .
  3. 确保URL字段与在辅助节点的前端服务器上external_url ""中的/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb中找到的值匹配.

Fixing common errors


Geo database configuration file is missing

GitLab 找不到或没有访问database_geo.yml配置文件的权限.

在 Omnibus GitLab 安装中,该文件应位于/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/etc . 如果它不存在或对其进行了无意的更改,请运行sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure将其恢复到正确的状态.


An existing tracking database cannot be reused

Geo cannot reuse an existing tracking database.

最安全的方式是使用全新的辅助节点 ,或通过遵循整个辅助节点 .

Geo node has a database that is writable which is an indication it is not configured for replication with the primary node

此错误是指 Geo 希望辅助节点上的数据库副本存在问题. 它通常意味着:

  • 使用了不受支持的复制方法(例如,逻辑复制).
  • 设置地理数据库复制的说明未正确遵循.
  • 您的数据库连接详细信息不正确,即您在/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb文件中指定了错误的用户.

辅助节点混淆的一个常见原因是它需要两个单独的 PostgreSQL 实例:

  • 节点的只读副本.
  • 包含复制元数据的常规可写实例. 即,地理位置跟踪数据库.

Geo node does not appear to be replicating the database from the primary node


  • Secondary nodes cannot reach the primary node. Check credentials, firewall rules, etc.
  • SSL 证书问题. 确保从节点复制了/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json .
  • 数据库存储磁盘已满.
  • 数据库复制插槽配置错误.
  • 数据库未使用复制插槽或其他替代方法,由于已清除 WAL 文件,因此无法追赶.


Geo database version (…) does not match latest migration (…)

如果您使用的是 Omnibus GitLab 安装,则升级期间可能会失败. 您可以:

  • Run sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure.
  • 通过运行以下sudo gitlab-rake geo:db:migrate手动触发数据库迁移: sudo gitlab-rake geo:db:migrate作为辅助节点上的 root 用户.

Geo database is not configured to use Foreign Data Wrapper

此错误表示地理位置跟踪数据库未配置 FDW 服务器和凭据.

See .

这可能是由项目注册表中的孤立记录引起的. 您可以使用 Rake 任务清除它们.

Geo Admin Area returns 404 error for a secondary node

有时sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:geo:check指示辅助节点运行sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:geo:check ,但是在节点的地理管理区域中返回了辅助节点 404 错误.


  • 尝试使用sudo gitlab-ctl restart 辅助 sudo gitlab-ctl restart .
  • 检查/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/geo.log以查看辅助节点是否正在使用 IPv6 将其状态发送到主要节点. 如果是这样,请使用文件中的 IPv4 将条目添加到节点. 或者,您应该节点上启用 IPv6 .