Setting up a development environment

The previous two options automatically install all prerequisites during provisioning. You can also provision a macOS or Linux system manually.

  • If you are on a Debian-based OS, you can run to do so.

  • If you are on macOS, install the Xcode command-line tools (e.g., xcode-select —install) and homebrew first. Then run scripts/

    • dirmngr
    • curl
    • git
    • gnupg2
    • gperf
    • ninja
    • unzip
    • clang 5.0+
    • intercept-build or bear - see why
    • python 3.6+
    • python dependencies
    • rustc
    • rustfmt-preview component for the above rustc version
    • libssl (development library, dependency of the refactoring tool)

Building with system LLVM libraries

The quickest way to build the C2Rust transpiler is with LLVM and clang system libraries (LLVM 6 and 7 are currently supported). If you have and the libclang libraries (libclangAST.a, libclangTooling.a, etc. or their shared variants) installed, you can build the transpiler with:

You can customize the location where the build system will look for LLVM using the following environment variables at compile time:

  • = Path to the llvm-config tool of the LLVM installation
  • LLVM_LIB_DIR = Path to the lib directory of the LLVM installation (not necessary if you use LLVM_CONFIG_PATH)
  • LLVM_SYSTEM_LIBS = Additional system libraries LLVM needs to link against (e.g. -lz -lrt -ldl). Not necessary with .
  • CLANG_PATH = Path to a clang that is the same version as your If this is necessary the build system will return an error message explaining as much.

C2Rust (indirectly) uses the clang-sys crate which can be configured with its own environment variables.

Building dependencies from source

The following from source full build script has been tested on recent versions of macOS and Ubuntu:

This downloads and builds LLVM under a new top-level folder named build. Use the C2RUST_BUILD_SUFFIX variable to do multiple side-by-side builds against a local copy of LLVM like this:

NOTE: Set if building inside and outside of the provided Docker or Vagrant environments from a single C2Rust checkout.

Testing (Optional)

This basically tests that the original C file and translated Rust file produce the same output when compiled and run. More details about tests can be found in the .