1. Creates a new peer list with name <peersect>. It is an independent section,
    2. which is referenced by one or more stick-tables.


    ]: [, …] [param*]

    1. Defines the binding parameters of the local peer of this "peers" section.
    2. Such lines are not supported with "" line in the same "peers" section.

    1. Disables a peers section. It disables both listening and any synchronization
    2. related to this section. This is provided to disable synchronization of stick
    3. tables without having to comment out all "peers" references.


    1. Change default options for a server in a "peers" section.


    1. <param*> is a list of parameters for this server. The "
      • This keyword is available in sections :
      • Peers
    2. keyword accepts an important number of options and has a complete
    3. section dedicated to it. Please refer to section 5 for more
    4. details.

    See also:

    • This keyword is available in sections :
    • Peers


    1. This re-enables a disabled peers section which was previously disabled.

    : [param*]

    server [:] [param*]

    1. As previously mentioned, "" keyword may be replaced by "server" keyword
    2. with a support for all "
      • This keyword is available in sections :
      • Peers
      " parameters found in 5.2 paragraph.
    3. If the underlying peer is local, <ip>:<port> parameters must not be present.
    4. These parameters must be provided on a "bind" line (see "" keyword
    5. of this "" section).
    6. Some of these parameters are irrelevant for "peers" sections.
    1. peers mypeers
    2. peer haproxy1
    3. peer haproxy2
    4. peer haproxy3
    5. backend mybackend
    6. balance roundrobin
    7. stick-table type ip size 20k peers mypeers
    8. stick on src
    9. server srv1
    10. server srv2
    11. Example:
    12. peers mypeers
    13. bind ssl crt mycerts/pem
    14. default-server ssl verify none
    15. server hostA
    16. server hostB #local peer

    type {ip | integer | string [len ] | binary [len ]} size [expire ] [nopurge] [store ]*

    1. Configure a stickiness table for the current section. This line is parsed
    2. exactly the same way as the "stick-table" keyword in others section, except
    3. for the "" argument which is not required here and with an additional
    4. mandatory first parameter to designate the stick-table. Contrary to others
    5. sections, there may be several "table" lines in "" sections (see also
    6. "stick-table" keyword).
    8. Also be aware of the fact that "" sections have their own stick-table
    9. namespaces to avoid collisions between stick-table names identical in
    10. sections names to the name of the stick-tables followed by a '/' character.
    11. If somewhere else in the configuration file you have to refer to such
    12. stick-tables declared in "peers" sections you must use the prefixed version
    13. of the stick-table name as follows:
    15. peers mypeers
    16. peer A ...
    17. peer B ...
    18. table t1 ...
    20. frontend fe1
    21. tcp-request content track-sc0 src table mypeers/t1
    23. This is also this prefixed version of the stick-table names which must be
    24. used to refer to stick-tables through the CLI.
    26. About "" protocol, as only "peers" belonging to the same section may
    27. communicate with each others, there is no need to do such a distinction.
    28. Several "" sections may declare stick-tables with the same name.
    29. This is shorter version of the stick-table name which is sent over the network.
    30. There is only a '/' character as prefix to avoid stick-table name collisions between
    31. stick-tables declared as backends and stick-table declared in "peers" sections
    32. as follows in this weird but supported configuration:
    34. peers mypeers
    35. peer A ...
    36. peer B ...
    37. table t1 type string size 10m store gpc0
    39. backend t1
    40. stick-table type string size 10m store gpc0 peers mypeers
    42. Here "t1" table declared in "mypeeers" section has "mypeers/t1" as global name.
    43. level the former table is named "/t1", the latter is again named "t1".