Quick Start Guide for RediSearch

    Get started here

    Running with Docker

    Download and running binaries

    First download the pre-compiled version from .

    First, clone the git repo:

    1. git clone --recursive https://github.com/RediSearch/RediSearch.git

    Next, build:

    1. make run

    For more elaborate build instructions, see the Development page .

    Creating an index with fields and weights (default weight is 1.0)

    1.> FT.CREATE myIdx SCHEMA title TEXT WEIGHT 5.0 body TEXT url TEXT
    2. OK

    Adding documents to the index

    1. 2) "doc1"
    2. 3) 1) "title"
    3. 2) "hello world"
    4. 4) "lorem ipsum"
    5. 5) "url"
    6. 6) "http://redis.io"


    Dropping the index

    Adding and getting Auto-complete suggestions