
    • Some of the samples will not compile or may not have been syntax checked
    • C and Rust code snippets are not distinguished very well yet (styling)
    • Some of the text makes uncited assertions of fact
    • Some of the topics that should be covered are brushed over, given undue weight or omitted entirely
    • Some of the text probably makes no sense or repeats itself

    WITH ALL THAT IN MIND, read on!

    Think of all the software that needs to be reliable in this world. Software that can ill afford downtime or crashes. Software that is mission critical and must not or should not fail.

    • Operating system services and daemons
    • Industrial control software
    • Medical devices, imagery etc.
    • High availability servers / databases / cloud storage etc.

    C and C++ has the speed angle covered but is hard to make reliable. A language like Java would have the reliability angle covered but is hard to make performant.