Combining HTML Reports and a GUI Application

    For the sake of illustration, let’s say that’s now in a file named C:\Report.html. I’m going to use SAPIEN’s PowerShell Studio 2012 to display that report in a GUI, rather than popping it up in a Web browser. Here, I’ve started a simple, single-form project. I’ve changed the text of the form to “Report,” and I’ve added a WebBrowser control from the toolbox. That control automatically fills the entire form, which is perfect. I named the WebBrowser control “web,” which makes it accessible from code via the variable $web.

      Now I can run the project:

      I get a nice pop-up dialog that displays the HTML report. I can resize it, minimize it, maximize it, and close it using the standard buttons on the window’s title bar. Easy, and it only took 5 minutes to create.