Debugging Dart web apps

This page walks you through using Dart with Chrome DevTools,with special attention for setup and Dart-specific considerations.For general information on debugging with Chrome DevTools,see the JavaScript debuggingget started guide and


  • To serve your app, use (which uses dartdevc),either at the command line or through your IDE.
  • To see Dart types in Chrome DevTools,enable custom formatters.
  • You can’t use Dart code in the Chrome DevTools console (someProperty),but sometimes you can use JavaScript code that’s close (this.someProperty).
  • If you have trouble setting a breakpoint in Dart code, try.

The Dart development compiler (dartdevc)has built-in support for source mapsand for custom formatting of Dart objects.

To use the Chrome DevTools to debug with dartdevc, you need the following software:

  • Dart SDK, version 2.0.0-dev.65.0 or higher.
  • One of the following development environments:
    • A that supports web development with Dart 2.
  • A Dart 2 compatible web app to debug.The following walkthrough shows how to create a suitable app.

This section leads you through the basics ofusing Chrome DevTools to debug a web app.If you already have an app that’s ready to debug,you can skip creating the test app (step 1),but you’ll need to adjust the instructions to match your app.

  • Optional: Create an app named test_app that uses Stagehand’s

    • If you’re using the command line, here’s how to create the appusing Stagehand:
  • If you’re using a Dart IDE or editor, create an AngularDart web app and name it testapp. You might see the description _A web app with material design components.
  • Compile and serve the app with dartdevc,using either your IDE or webdev at the command line.

Note: The first dartdevc compilation takes the longest, because the entire app must be compiled. After that, refreshes are much faster.

  • Open the app in a Chrome browser window.For example, if you use webdev serve with no arguments, open.

  • Open DevTools: Press Control+Shift+I(or Command+Option+I on Mac).

  • Enable custom formatters,so that you can see Dart types in Chrome DevTools.

  • In the File Navigator pane, select Page and navigate tothe Dart file for a nontrivial component.For example, navigate to

  • Set a line-of-code breakpoint in a method that’s calledin response to a user event.For example, break at the top of the add() methodby clicking the line number 36.

  • In the app’s UI, trigger the event that causes the method call.Execution stops at the breakpoint.For example, type something into a text field and press Enter.

  • In the Code Editor pane, mouse over the properties.You can see their Dart runtime types and values.For example, in the add() method,items is a List<String> with a length of 0.

Troubleshooting:If you see Array instead of List,then custom formatters aren’t on.Enable them.

  • Look at the Call Stack and Scope panes,which are in the JavaScript Debugging pane.Under Scope, look at the type and value of the local variable .

  • If the console isn’t visible, press Esc.

  • In the console, try viewing a property of the component.

For example, try to view the items object:

  • Enter this.items.This works because the JavaScript object has the same name asthe Dart object.Thanks to custom formatters, you can see the Dart type and value.

  • Enter this.items[0].This works because Dart lists map to JavaScript arrays.

  • Enter this.items.first.This doesn’t work, because unlike the JavaScript arrays don’t have a property.

This section covers settings that you might need to changeas you debug your app.

To see Dart types in Chrome DevTools, you need to enable custom formatters.

  • From the DevTools Customize and control DevTools ⋮ menu,choose Settings. Or press F1.
  • Select Enable custom formatters,which is under the Console heading in the Preferences settings.
  • Close Settings: Press Esc or click the x at the upper right.

Chrome DevTools enables source maps, by default.You might want to temporarily disable source maps so that you can seethe generated JavaScript code.

  • From the DevTools Customize and control DevTools ⋮ menu,choose Settings.Or press F1.
  • Find the Enable JavaScript source maps checkbox,which is under the Sources heading in the Preferences settings.
    • To display only JavaScript code,clearEnable JavaScript source maps.
    • To display Dart code (when available),selectEnable JavaScript source maps.
  • Close Settings: Press Esc or click the x at the upper right.

If you’re using the command line instead of an IDE or Dart-enabled editor,then you need the .To use the command line to create apps from standard templates,you also need the stagehand tool.Use pub to get these tools:

If your PATH environment variable is set up correctly,you can now use these tools at the command line:

For information on setting PATH, see the

Whenever you update the Dart SDK orwant to get the latest Stagehand templates,update the tools by activating them again: