A typical package has this file structure:

    1. name: cool_package # use separate package names with underscores
    2. version: 1.2.3 # use semver
    3. description: >
    4. A really cool package that allows you to
    5. your unidirectional dataflow.
    6. homepage: johnpryan.github.io
    7. environment:
    8. sdk: ">=0.12.0"
    9. documentation: http://docs.coolpackagedartlang.com
    10. yaml: ^2.1.0
    11. frappe: ^0.4.0
    12. test: ^0.12.0
    13. dependency_overrides:
    14. stream_transformers: 0.2.0
    15. path: ../yaml

    path: dependencies are convenient if multiple packages are being developed on a local machine.