Administration interface


    The administration interface in its current form both allows destructive operations to be performed (e.g., shutting down the server) as well as potentially exposes private information (e.g., stats, cluster names, cert info, etc.). It is critical that access to the administration interface is only allowed via a secure network. It is also critical that hosts that access the administration interface are only attached to the secure network (i.e., to avoid CSRF attacks). This involves setting up an appropriate firewall or optimally only allowing access to the administration listener via localhost. This can be accomplished with a v2 configuration like the following:

    In the future additional security options will be added to the administration interface. This work is tracked in issue.

    All mutations should be sent as HTTP POST operations. For a limited time, they will continue to work with HTTP GET, with a warning logged.


    Render an HTML home page with a table of links to all available options.

    GET /help

    Print a textual table of all available options.

    GET /certs

    List out all loaded TLS certificates, including file name, serial number, and days until expiration.

    GET /clusters

    List out all configured cluster manager clusters. This information includes all discovered upstream hosts in each cluster along with per host statistics. This is useful for debugging service discovery issues.

    • Cluster manager information

      • version_info string – the version info string of the last loaded update. If envoy does not have CDS setup, the output will read version_info::static.

      Cluster wide information

      • Information about if a detector is installed. Currently success rate average, and are presented. Both of these values could be -1 if there was not enough data to calculate them in the last interval.
      • added_via_api flag – false if the cluster was added via static configuration, true if it was added via the api.

      Per host statistics

      Host health status

      A host is either healthy or unhealthy because of one or more different failing health states. If the host is healthy the healthy output will be equal to healthy.

      If the host is not healthy, the healthy output will be composed of one or more of the following strings:

      /failed_active_hc: The host has failed an active health check.

      /failed_outlier_check: The host has failed an outlier detection check.

    GET /config_dump

    Dump currently loaded configuration from various Envoy components as JSON-serialized proto messages. See the response definition for more information.


    The underlying proto is marked v2alpha and hence its contents, including the JSON representation, are not guaranteed to be stable.


    Enable or disable the CPU profiler. Requires compiling with gperftools.

    POST /healthcheck/fail

    Fail inbound health checks. This requires the use of the HTTP . This is useful for draining a server prior to shutting it down or doing a full restart. Invoking this command will universally fail health check requests regardless of how the filter is configured (pass through, etc.).

    POST /healthcheck/ok

    Negate the effect of . This requires the use of the HTTP health check filter.

    GET /hot_restart_version

    See --hot-restart-version.

    POST /logging

    Enable/disable different logging levels on different subcomponents. Generally only used during development.

    POST /quitquitquit

    Cleanly exit the server.

    POST /reset_counters

    Reset all counters to zero. This is useful along with GET /stats during debugging. Note that this does not drop any data sent to statsd. It just effects local output of the command.

    Outputs information about the running server. Sample output looks like:

    The fields are:

    • Process name
    • Compiled SHA and build type
    • Current hot restart epoch uptime in seconds
    • Total uptime in seconds (across all hot restarts)
    • Current hot restart epoch

    GET /stats

    Outputs all statistics on demand. This command is very useful for local debugging. Histograms will output the computed quantiles i.e P0,P25,P50,P75,P90,P99,P99.9 and P100. The output for each quantile will be in the form of (interval,cumulative) where interval value represents the summary since last flush interval and cumulative value represents the summary since the start of envoy instance. “No recorded values” in the histogram output indicates that it has not been updated with a value. See for more information.

    • GET /stats?usedonly

    Outputs statistics that Envoy has updated (counters incremented at least once, gauges changed at least once, and histograms added to at least once).

    GET /stats?format=json

    Outputs /stats in JSON format. This can be used for programmatic access of stats. Counters and Gauges will be in the form of a set of (name,value) pairs. Histograms will be under the element “histograms”, that contains “supported_quantiles” which lists the quantiles supported and an array of computed_quantiles that has the computed quantile for each histogram.

    If a histogram is not updated during an interval, the ouput will have null for all the quantiles.

    Example histogram output:

    Outputs statistics that Envoy has updated (counters incremented at least once, gauges changed at least once, and histograms added to at least once) in JSON format.

    GET /stats?format=prometheus

    or alternatively,

    • GET /stats/prometheus

    Outputs /stats in Prometheus v0.0.4 format. This can be used to integrate with a Prometheus server. Currently, only counters and gauges are output. Histograms will be output in a future update.

    GET /runtime

    Outputs all runtime values on demand in JSON format. See here for more information on how these values are configured and utilized. The output include the list of the active runtime override layers and the stack of layer values for each key. Empty strings indicate no value, and the final active value from the stack also is included in a separate key. Example output:

    POST /runtime_modify?key1=value1&key2=value2&keyN=valueN

    Adds or modifies runtime values as passed in query parameters. To delete a previously added key, use an empty string as the value. Note that deletion only applies to overrides added via this endpoint; values loaded from disk can be modified via override but not deleted.


    Use the /runtime_modify endpoint with care. Changes are effectively immediately. It is critical that the admin interface is properly secured.