Input / Form Elements Vue Components

    Form elements allow you to create flexible and beautiful Form layout. Form elements are just well known (List and Vue components) but with few additional components.

    There are following components included:

    • - list item input element
    • **f7-input** - input element
    • **f7-label** - input label element

    Input Properties

    <f7-list-input>, <f7-input> events
    focus(event)Fired when user focused to input.
    blur(event)Fired when user lost focus from input.
    input(event)Fired immediately when input value changed. Note: Input event triggers after beforeinput, keypress, keyup, keydown events.
    change(event)Fired when blur if value changed.
    input:clear(event)Fired when input clear button clicked
    textarea:resize(event)Fired if resizable textarea resized. event.detail will contain object with the initialHeight, currentHeight and scrollHeight properties
    input:empty(event)Fired when input value becomes empty
    input:notempty(event)Fired when input value becomes not empty

    Input Slots

    Input Vue component (<f7-list-input>) has additional slots for custom elements:

    • **default** - in case of type="select" or type="textarea" - element will be placed inside of select or textarea tags.
    • **info** - element will be inserted into container with info message
    • **error-message** - element will be inserted into container with error message
    • **label** - element will be inserted into container with input’s label
    • **input** - element will be inserted instead of input element (input prop must be also set to false)
    • **root-start** - element will be inserted in the beginning of <li> element
    • **root** / **root-end** - element will be inserted in the end of <li> element
    • **content-start** - element will be inserted in the beginning of <div class="item-content"> element
    • **content** / **content-end** - element will be inserted in the end of <div class="item-content"> element
    • **inner-start** - element will be inserted in the beginning of <div class="item-inner"> element
    • **inner** / **inner-end** - element will be inserted in the end of <div class="item-inner"> element
    • **media** - element will be inserted inside of <div class="item-media"> element


    1. <f7-block-title>Full Layout / Inline Labels</f7-block-title>
    2. <f7-list inline-labels no-hairlines-md>
    3. <f7-list-input
    4. label="Name"
    5. type="text"
    6. placeholder="Your name"
    7. clear-button
    8. >
    9. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    10. </f7-list-input>
    11. <f7-list-input
    12. label="Password"
    13. type="password"
    14. placeholder="Your password"
    15. clear-button
    16. >
    17. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    18. </f7-list-input>
    19. <f7-list-input
    20. label="E-mail"
    21. type="email"
    22. placeholder="Your e-mail"
    23. clear-button
    24. >
    25. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    26. </f7-list-input>
    27. <f7-list-input
    28. label="URL"
    29. type="url"
    30. placeholder="URL"
    31. clear-button
    32. >
    33. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    34. </f7-list-input>
    35. <f7-list-input
    36. label="Phone"
    37. type="tel"
    38. placeholder="Your phone number"
    39. clear-button
    40. >
    41. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    42. </f7-list-input>
    43. <f7-list-input
    44. label="Gender"
    45. type="select"
    46. defaultValue="Male"
    47. placeholder="Please choose..."
    48. >
    49. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    50. <option value="Male">Male</option>
    51. <option value="Female">Female</option>
    52. </f7-list-input>
    53. <f7-list-input
    54. label="Birthday"
    55. type="date"
    56. defaultValue="2014-04-30"
    57. placeholder="Please choose..."
    58. >
    59. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    60. </f7-list-input>
    61. <f7-list-input
    62. label="Date time"
    63. type="datetime-local"
    64. placeholder="Please choose..."
    65. >
    66. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    67. </f7-list-input>
    68. <f7-list-input
    69. label="Range"
    70. :input="false"
    71. >
    72. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    73. <f7-range slot="input" :value="50" :min="0" :max="100" :step="1"></f7-range>
    74. </f7-list-input>
    75. <f7-list-input
    76. label="Textarea"
    77. type="textarea"
    78. placeholder="Bio"
    79. >
    80. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    81. </f7-list-input>
    82. <f7-list-input
    83. label="Resizable"
    84. type="textarea"
    85. resizable
    86. placeholder="Bio"
    87. >
    88. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    89. </f7-list-input>
    90. </f7-list>
    91. <f7-block-title>Full Layout / Stacked Labels</f7-block-title>
    92. <f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    93. <f7-list-input
    94. label="Name"
    95. type="text"
    96. placeholder="Your name"
    97. clear-button
    98. >
    99. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    100. </f7-list-input>
    101. <f7-list-input
    102. label="Password"
    103. type="password"
    104. placeholder="Your password"
    105. clear-button
    106. >
    107. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    108. </f7-list-input>
    109. <f7-list-input
    110. label="E-mail"
    111. type="email"
    112. placeholder="Your e-mail"
    113. clear-button
    114. >
    115. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    116. </f7-list-input>
    117. label="URL"
    118. type="url"
    119. placeholder="URL"
    120. clear-button
    121. >
    122. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    123. </f7-list-input>
    124. label="Phone"
    125. type="tel"
    126. placeholder="Your phone number"
    127. clear-button
    128. >
    129. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    130. </f7-list-input>
    131. <f7-list-input
    132. label="Gender"
    133. type="select"
    134. defaultValue="Male"
    135. placeholder="Please choose..."
    136. >
    137. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    138. <option value="Male">Male</option>
    139. <option value="Female">Female</option>
    140. </f7-list-input>
    141. <f7-list-input
    142. label="Birthday"
    143. type="date"
    144. defaultValue="2014-04-30"
    145. placeholder="Please choose..."
    146. >
    147. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    148. </f7-list-input>
    149. <f7-list-input
    150. label="Date time"
    151. type="datetime-local"
    152. placeholder="Please choose..."
    153. >
    154. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    155. </f7-list-input>
    156. <f7-list-input
    157. label="Range"
    158. :input="false"
    159. >
    160. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    161. <f7-range slot="input" :value="50" :min="0" :max="100" :step="1"></f7-range>
    162. </f7-list-input>
    163. <f7-list-input
    164. label="Textarea"
    165. type="textarea"
    166. placeholder="Bio"
    167. >
    168. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    169. </f7-list-input>
    170. <f7-list-input
    171. label="Resizable"
    172. type="textarea"
    173. resizable
    174. placeholder="Bio"
    175. >
    176. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    177. </f7-list-input>
    178. </f7-list>
    179. <f7-block-title>Floating Labels (MD-theme only)</f7-block-title>
    180. <f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    181. <f7-list-input
    182. label="Name"
    183. floating-label
    184. type="text"
    185. placeholder="Your name"
    186. clear-button
    187. >
    188. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    189. </f7-list-input>
    190. <f7-list-input
    191. label="Password"
    192. floating-label
    193. type="password"
    194. placeholder="Your password"
    195. clear-button
    196. >
    197. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    198. </f7-list-input>
    199. <f7-list-input
    200. label="E-mail"
    201. floating-label
    202. type="email"
    203. placeholder="Your e-mail"
    204. clear-button
    205. >
    206. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    207. </f7-list-input>
    208. <f7-list-input
    209. label="URL"
    210. floating-label
    211. type="url"
    212. placeholder="URL"
    213. clear-button
    214. >
    215. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    216. </f7-list-input>
    217. <f7-list-input
    218. label="Phone"
    219. floating-label
    220. type="tel"
    221. placeholder="Your phone number"
    222. clear-button
    223. >
    224. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    225. </f7-list-input>
    226. <f7-list-input
    227. label="Resizable"
    228. floating-label
    229. type="textarea"
    230. resizable
    231. placeholder="Bio"
    232. >
    233. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    234. </f7-list-input>
    235. </f7-list>
    236. <f7-block-title>Validation + Additional Info</f7-block-title>
    237. <f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    238. <f7-list-input
    239. label="Name"
    240. type="text"
    241. placeholder="Your name"
    242. info="Default validation"
    243. required
    244. validate
    245. clear-button
    246. >
    247. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    248. </f7-list-input>
    249. <f7-list-input
    250. label="Fruit"
    251. type="text"
    252. placeholder="Type 'apple' or 'banana'"
    253. required
    254. validate
    255. pattern="apple|banana"
    256. clear-button
    257. >
    258. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    259. <span slot="info">Pattern validation (<b>apple|banana</b>)</span>
    260. </f7-list-input>
    261. <f7-list-input
    262. label="E-mail"
    263. type="email"
    264. placeholder="Your e-mail"
    265. info="Default e-mail validation"
    266. required
    267. validate
    268. clear-button
    269. >
    270. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    271. </f7-list-input>
    272. <f7-list-input
    273. label="URL"
    274. placeholder="Your URL"
    275. info="Default URL validation"
    276. required
    277. clear-button
    278. >
    279. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    280. </f7-list-input>
    281. <f7-list-input
    282. label="Number"
    283. type="text"
    284. placeholder="Enter number"
    285. info="With custom error message"
    286. error-message="Only numbers please!"
    287. required
    288. validate
    289. pattern="[0-9]*"
    290. clear-button
    291. >
    292. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    293. </f7-list-input>
    294. </f7-list>
    295. <f7-block-title>Icon + Input</f7-block-title>
    296. <f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    297. <f7-list-input
    298. type="text"
    299. placeholder="Your name"
    300. clear-button
    301. >
    302. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    303. </f7-list-input>
    304. <f7-list-input
    305. type="password"
    306. placeholder="Your password"
    307. clear-button
    308. >
    309. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    310. </f7-list-input>
    311. <f7-list-input
    312. type="email"
    313. placeholder="Your e-mail"
    314. clear-button
    315. >
    316. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    317. </f7-list-input>
    318. <f7-list-input
    319. type="url"
    320. placeholder="URL"
    321. clear-button
    322. >
    323. <f7-icon icon="demo-list-icon" slot="media"></f7-icon>
    324. </f7-list-input>
    325. </f7-list>
    326. <f7-block-title>Label + Input</f7-block-title>
    327. <f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    328. <f7-list-input
    329. label="Name"
    330. type="text"
    331. placeholder="Your name"
    332. clear-button
    333. ></f7-list-input>
    334. <f7-list-input
    335. label="Password"
    336. type="password"
    337. placeholder="Your password"
    338. clear-button
    339. ></f7-list-input>
    340. <f7-list-input
    341. label="E-mail"
    342. type="email"
    343. placeholder="Your e-mail"
    344. clear-button
    345. ></f7-list-input>
    346. <f7-list-input
    347. label="URL"
    348. type="url"
    349. placeholder="URL"
    350. clear-button
    351. ></f7-list-input>
    352. </f7-list>
    353. <f7-block-title>Only Inputs</f7-block-title>
    354. <f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    355. <f7-list-input
    356. type="text"
    357. placeholder="Your name"
    358. clear-button
    359. ></f7-list-input>
    360. <f7-list-input
    361. type="password"
    362. placeholder="Your password"
    363. clear-button
    364. ></f7-list-input>
    365. <f7-list-input
    366. type="email"
    367. placeholder="Your e-mail"
    368. clear-button
    369. ></f7-list-input>
    370. <f7-list-input
    371. type="url"
    372. placeholder="URL"
    373. clear-button
    374. ></f7-list-input>
    375. </f7-list>
    376. <f7-block-title>Inputs + Additional Info</f7-block-title>
    377. <f7-list no-hairlines-md>
    378. <f7-list-input
    379. type="text"
    380. placeholder="Your name"
    381. info="Full name please"
    382. clear-button
    383. ></f7-list-input>
    384. <f7-list-input
    385. type="password"
    386. placeholder="Your password"
    387. info="8 characters minimum"
    388. clear-button
    389. ></f7-list-input>
    390. <f7-list-input
    391. type="email"
    392. placeholder="Your e-mail"
    393. info="Your work e-mail address"
    394. clear-button
    395. ></f7-list-input>
    396. <f7-list-input
    397. type="url"
    398. placeholder="URL"
    399. info="Your website URL"
    400. clear-button
    401. ></f7-list-input>
    402. </f7-list>
    403. <f7-block-title>Only Inputs Inset</f7-block-title>
    404. <f7-list inset>
    405. <f7-list-input
    406. type="text"
    407. placeholder="Your name"
    408. clear-button
    409. ></f7-list-input>
    410. <f7-list-input
    411. type="password"
    412. placeholder="Your password"
    413. clear-button
    414. ></f7-list-input>
    415. <f7-list-input
    416. type="email"
    417. placeholder="Your e-mail"
    418. clear-button
    419. ></f7-list-input>
    420. <f7-list-input
    421. type="url"
    422. placeholder="URL"
    423. clear-button
    424. ></f7-list-input>