
    We welcome contributions of any kind (ideas, code, tests, documentation,examples, …).

    If you need help or get stuck at any point during this process, stop by on ourIRC channel () and we will do our best toassist you.

    Getting started with contributing to Libcloud

    General contribution guidelines

    • Any non-trivial change must contain tests. For more information, refer to theTesting page.
    • All the functions and methods must contain Sphinx docstrings which are usedto generate the API documentation. For more information, refer to the section below.
    • We follow PEP8 Python Style Guide
    • Use 4 spaces for a tab
    • Use 79 characters in a line
    • Make sure edited file doesn’t contain any trailing whitespace
    • You can verify that your modifications don’t break any rules by running the script - e.g. flake8 libcloud/ ortox -e lint.Second command will run flake8 on all the files in the repository.

    And most importantly, follow the existing style in the file you are editing andbe consistent.

    Git pre-commit hook

    To make complying with our style guide easier, we provide a git pre-commit hookwhich automatically checks modified Python files for violations of our styleguide.

    You can install it by running following command in the root of the repositorycheckout:

    After you have installed this hook it will automatically check modified Pythonfiles for violations before a commit. If a violation is found, commit will beaborted.

    Code conventions

    This section describes some general code conventions you should follow whenwriting a Libcloud code.

    Organize the imports in the following order:

    • Standard library imports
    • Third-party library imports
    • Local library (Libcloud) importsEach section should be separated with a blank line. For example:
    1. import sys
    2. import base64
    4. import paramiko
    6. from libcloud.compute.base import Node, NodeDriver
    7. from libcloud.compute.providers import Provider

    2. Function and method ordering

    Functions in a module and methods on a class should be organized in thefollowing order:

    • “Public” functions / methods
    • “Private” functions / methods (methods prefixed with an underscore)
    • “Internal” methods (methods prefixed and suffixed with a double underscore)For example:
    1. class Unicorn(object):
    2. def __init__(self, name='fluffy'):
    3. self._name = name
    5. def make_a_rainbow(self):
    6. pass
    8. def _get_rainbow_colors(self):
    9. pass
    11. def __eq__(self, other):

    Methods on a driver class should be organized in the following order:

    • Methods which are part of the standard API
    • Extension methods
    • “Private” methods (methods prefixed with an underscore)
    • “Internal” methods (methods prefixed and suffixed with a double underscore)Methods which perform a similar functionality should be grouped together anddefined one after another.

    For example:

    Methods should be ordered this way for the consistency reasons and to makereading and following the generated API documentation easier.

    3. Prefer keyword over regular arguments

    For better readability and understanding of the code, prefer keyword overregular arguments.


    1. some_method(public_ips=public_ips, private_ips=private_ips)
    1. some_method(public_ips, private_ips)

    4. Don’t abuse **kwargs

    You should always explicitly declare arguments in a function or a methodsignature and only use *kwargs and args respectively when there is avalid use case for it.

    Using **kwargs in many contexts is against Python’s “explicit is betterthan implicit” mantra and makes it for a bad and a confusing API. On top ofthat, it makes many useful things such as programmatic API introspection hardor impossible.

    A use case when it might be valid to use **kwargs is a decorator.


    Bad (please avoid):

    1. def my_method(self, name, **kwargs):
    2. description = kwargs.get('description', None)
    3. public_ips = kwargs.get('public_ips', None)

    5. When returning a dictionary, document its structure

    Dynamic nature of Python can be very nice and useful, but if (ab)use it in awrong way it can also make it hard for the API consumer to understand what isgoing on and what kind of values are being returned.

    If you have a function or a method which returns a dictionary, make sure toexplicitly document in the docstring which keys the returned dictionarycontains.

    6. Prefer to use “is not None” when checking if a variable is provided or defined

    When checking if a variable is provided or defined, prefer to useif foo is not None instead of if foo.

    If you use if foo approach, it’s easy to make a mistake when a valid valuecan also be falsy (e.g. a number 0).

    For example:

    1. class SomeClass(object):
    2. def some_method(self, domain=None):
    3. params = {}
    5. if domain is not None:
    6. params['Domain'] = domain

    For documenting the API we we use Sphinx and reStructuredText syntax. Docstringconventions to which you should adhere to are described below.

    • Docstrings should always be used to describe the purpose of methods,functions, classes, and modules.
    • Method docstring should describe all the normal and keyword arguments. Youshould describe all the available arguments even if you use args and*.
    • All parameters must be documented using :param p: or :keyword p:and :type p: annotation.
    • :param p: … - A description of the parameter p for a functionor method.
    • :keyword p: … - A description of the keyword parameter p.
    • :type p: … The expected type of the parameter p.
    • Return values must be documented using :return: and :rtypeannotation.
    • :return: … A description of return value for a function or method.
    • :rtype: … The type of the return value for a function or method.
    • Required keyword arguments must contain notation indescription. For example: :keyword image: OS Image to boot on node. (required)
    • Multiple types are separated with orFor example: :type auth: :class:.NodeAuthSSHKey or :class:.NodeAuthPassword
    • For a description of the container types use the following notation:<container_type> of <objects_type>. For example::rtype: list of :class:Node

    For more information and examples, please refer to the following links:

    Contribution workflow

    If you are implementing a big feature or a change, start a discussion on the or themailing list first.

    2. Open a new issue on our issue tracker

    Go to our and open a new issue for your changes there. Thisissue will be used as an umbrella place for your changes. As such, it will beused to track progress and discuss implementation details.

    3. Fork our Github repository

    4. Create a new branch for your changes

    For example:

    5. Make your changes

    6. Write tests for your changes and make sure all the tests pass

    Make sure that all the code you have added or modified has appropriate testcoverage. Also make sure all the tests including the existing ones still pass.

    Use libcloud.test.unittest as the unit testing package to ensure thatyour tests work with older versions of Python.

    For more information on how to write and run tests, please seeTesting page.

    Commit your changes.

    For example:

      8. Open a pull request with your changes

      Go to and open a new pull request with yourchanges. Your pull request will appear at

      9. Wait for the review

      Wait for your changes to be reviewed and address any outstanding comments.

      Contributing Bigger Changes

      If you are contributing a bigger change (e.g. large new feature or a newprovider driver) you need to have signed Apache Individual ContributorLicense Agreement (ICLA) in order to have your patch accepted.

      You can find more information on how to sign and file an ICLA on the.

      When filling the form, leave field preferred Apache id(s) empty and inthe notify project field, enter Libcloud.

      Supporting Multiple Python Versions

      Libcloud supports a variety of Python versions so your code also needs to workwith all the supported versions. This means that in some cases you will need toinclude extra code to make sure it works in all the supported versions.

      Some examples which show how to handle those cases are described below.

      Context Managers

      Context managers aren’t available in Python 2.5 by default. If you want to usethem make sure to put from on top of thefile where you use them.

      Utility functions for cross-version compatibility

      You can find some more information on changes which are involved in making thecode work with multiple versions on the following link -Lessons learned while porting Libcloud to Python 3