

    The module is not compiled into Tengine by default. It can be enabled with '—with-http_dyups_module'configuration parameter, and enabled lua support with '—with-http_dyups_lua_api'.But it can not be compiled as a '.so'.

    file: conf/nginx.conf

    1. daemon off;
      error_log logs/error.log debug;

      events {

      http {

      dyups_upstream_conf conf/upstream.conf;

      include conf/upstream.conf;

      server {
      listen 8080;

      location / {
      proxy_pass http://$host;

      server {
      listen 8088;
      location / {
      echo 8088;

      server {
      listen 8089;
      location / {
      echo 8089;

      server {
      listen 8081;
      location / {

    file: conf/upstream.conf


    This directive set the interface location where you can add or delete the upstream list. See the section of Interface for detail.

    Syntax: dyups_read_msg_timeout timeDefault: 1sContext: main

    This directive set the interval of workers readding the commands from share memory.

    This directive set the size of share memory which used to store the commands.

    Syntax: dyups_upstream_conf pathDefault: noneContext: main

    You will get a better prefomance but it maybe not stable, and you will get a '409' when the update request conflicts with others.

    • /detail get all upstreams and their servers
    • /list get the list of upstreams
    • update one upstream

    • body commands;

    • body server ip:port;

    • /upstream/name delete one upstream

    If you got HTTP_CONFLICT 409, you need resend the same commands again latter.

    The /list and /detail interface will return HTTP_NO_CONTENT 204 when there is no upstream.

    Other code means you should modify your commands and call the interface again.

    ATTENEION: You also need a to generate the new config and dump it to Nginx'conf directory.


      NOTICE:you should add the directive dyups_interface into your config file to active this feature

      1. content_by_lua '
        local dyups = require "ngx.dyups"

        local status, rv = dyups.update("test", [[server;]]);

        ngx.print(status, rv)
        if status ~= 200 then
        ngx.print(status, rv)
        ngx.print("update success")

        status, rv = dyups.delete("test")
        if status ~= 200 then
        ngx.print(status, rv)
        ngx.print("delete success")

