You're more likely to run into this:

    If you have a file name of 0, your program will stop and not continue processing files.

    A more appropriate loop looks like this:

    1. while ( defined( my $file = readdir(DIR) ) ) {

    Perl does not support sparse arrays. The closest thing is a hash.

    If you're like me, you either installed the module for a specific need, or you had it installed as part of your OS.

    Did you know there's a seperate dependency, called DateTime::TimeZone, that is a dump of time zone data?

    Update your DateTime::TimeZone today!

    Don't depend on for millisecond (or smaller) calculations.

    Some systems have a that can only go to hundredths of a second, even in this day and age - a recent installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 on an AMD 64 platform provided only that level of granularity.

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