commands detail - l

    The PowerShell equivalent of the Unix ls is:

    … for which there are aliases dir, ls and gci

    ls -a

    So ls gives:


    but ls -a gives

    1. $ ls
    2. Directory: C:\Users\matt\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\functions
    3. ---- ------------- ------ ----
    4. -a--- 04/06/2015 13:20 1422
    5. Directory: C:\Users\matt\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\functions
    6. Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    7. ---- ------------- ------ ----
    8. d--h- 04/06/2015 13:20 .git
    9. -a-h- 20/05/2015 17:33 12288 .function-prompt.ps1.swp

    ls -ltr

    The Powershell equivalent of the unix ls -ltr (or the DOS dir /OD), which
    lists files last update order.

    The unix command lsusb shows USB devices. The PowerShell equivalent is:

    1. gwmi Win32_USBControllerDevice