Documentation Style Guide

    VuePress provides a custom container plugin to create alert boxes. There are four types:

    • Info: Provide information that is neutral
    • Tip: Provide information that is positive and encouraged
    • Warning: Provide information that users should be aware of as there is a low to moderate
    • Danger: Provide information that is negative and has a high risk to the user

    Markdown Examples

    Rendered Markdown


    You can find more information at this site.

    This is a great tip to remember!


    This is something to be cautious of.


    This is something we do not recommend. Use at your own risk.

    Code Blocks

    Markdown Example

    1. export default {
    2. name: 'MyComponent'
    3. }
    4. ```

    Rendered Output

    1. export default {
    2. }

    To add line highlighting to your code blocks, you need to append the line number in curly braces.

    Single Line

    Markdown Example

    Rendered Markdown

    1. export default {
    2. name: 'MyComponent',
    3. props: {
    4. type: String,
    5. item: Object
    6. }

    Group of Lines

    1. ```js{4-7}
    2. export default {
    3. name: 'MyComponent',
    4. props: {
    5. type: String,
    6. item: Object
    7. }
    8. }

    Multiple Sections

    1. ```js{2,4-5}
    2. export default {
    3. props: {
    4. type: String,
    5. item: Object
    6. }
    7. }
    8. ```
    1. export default {
    2. name: 'MyComponent',
    3. props: {
    4. type: String,
    5. item: Object
    6. }