Zipkin Community

    OpenZipkin is the OSS organization that stewardsZipkin code, docs, specs and support. It includes github projects, this web site,,Twitter and .

    Follow @zipkinproject on Twitter for newsincluding release announcements and community events. You can also ask on about something specific. If you are working on code, you can alsofollow projects like the server or an you use.

    Most OpenZipkin efforts start as localized experiments, then progressively buildtraction before becoming a feature. Before you start a large effort, be it docs ora test framework or a feature, check with one of the above channels. Someone mayalready have worked on this in the past and might join your effort. Sometimes,features are intentionally absent, usually with rationale documented in an issue.Regardless, the best advice is to join the community before proposing change, andread one of our HACKING fileswhich explains important aspects of change culture.

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