
    1、clock synchronization error: this node is more than 500ms away from at least half of the known nodes (0 of 1 are within the offset)

    2、ERROR:bini server exited with error:failed to create engines:could not open rocksdb instance:Invalid argument :bini_comparator:does not match existing comparator drdb_comparator


    3、WARNING 084/172733(9466):Server psql/DRDB-node1 is DOWN,reason: Layer4 connection problem, info:“Connection refused”,check duration:0ms

    4、pg:rejected:DELETE without WHERE clause(sql_safe_updates = true)

    这个错误是数据库的保护机制,如果在执行delete或update操作时,没有指定where语句,会提示此信息。可以加 where 1=1 绕过此报错。

    5、pq: cannot write to : error response from server:

    Method Not Allowed
