Upgrading the ABP Framework

    ABP Framework & module ecosystem consist of hundreds of NuGet and NPM packages. It would be tedious to manually update all these packages to upgrade your application.

    provides a handy command to update all the ABP related NuGet and NPM packages in your solution with a single command:

    Sometimes we introduce new features/changes that requires to make changes in the startup template. We already implement the changes in the startup template for new applications. However, in some cases you need to manually make some minor changes in your solution.

    We are working hard to keep the semantic versioning rules, so you don’t get breaking changes for minor (feature) versions like 3.1, 3.2, 3.3…

    However, there are some cases we may introduce breaking changes in feature versions too;

    • ABP has many integration packages and sometimes the integrated libraries/frameworks releases major versions and makes breaking changes. In such cases, we carefully check these changes and decide to upgrade the integration package or not. If the impact of the change is relatively small, we update the integration package and explain the change in the release blog post. In such a case, if you’ve used this integration package, you should follow the instructions explained in the blog post. If the change may break many applications and not easy to fix, we decide to wait this upgrade until the next major ABP Framework release.
    • Preview releases are typically published ~2 weeks before a minor (feature) version (our minor version development cycle is about ~4 weeks).
    • are published in every night (except weekends) from the development branch. That means you can try the previous day’s development.

    Refer to the their documents to learn details about these kind of releases.