Installation and Configuration Guide released on

    Improve and Consolidate the design of Hook, Server, PubSub and Router

    Upgrade the [Web Dashboard]( to support pagination

    Bridge emqttd broker to another emqttd broker & emqttd to mosquitto bridge (#438)

    ./bin/emqttd_ctl: add ‘routes’ command


    Add ‘backend_subscription’ table and support static subscriptions (emqttd_backend)

    Add ‘retained_message’ table and refactor emqttd_retainer module (emqttd_backend)

    Add PubSub, Hooks APIs to emqttd module (emqttd)

    Move start_listeners/0, stop_listeners/0 APIs to emqttd_app module (emqttd_app)

    Add 100+ common test cases.

    Upgrade Dashboard, Redis, Stomp and Template Plugins