Rate Limiting based on [Token Bucket]() and [Leaky Bucket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaky_bucket#The_Leaky_Bucket_Algorithm_as_a_Meter) Algorithm

    Upgrade eSockd and MochiWeb libraries to support Parameterized Connection Module

    Improve emqttd_client to support fully asynchronous socket networking

    Protocol Compliant - Session Present Flag (#163)

    emqttd_client: replace gen_tcp:send with port_command (#358)

    TCP sndbuf, recbuf, buffer tuning (#359)

    emqttd_client.erl to handle ‘inet_async’, ‘inet_reply’ properly (#360)

    Refator the [client/session management design]()

    Fix the order of emqttd_app:start_server/1 (#367)

    emqttd_ will crash (#374)

    [benchmark for 0.13.0 release](https://github.com/emqtt/emqttd/wiki/benchmark-for-0.13.0-release)

    3.1G memory and 50+ CPU/core: