Kotlin 1.3 的兼容性指南

    While most of the language changes were already announced through other channels, like update changelogs or compiler warnings, this document summarizes them all, providing a complete reference for migration from Kotlin 1.2 to Kotlin 1.3

    In this document we introduce several kinds of compatibility:

    • Source: source-incompatible change stops code that used to compile fine (without errors or warnings) from compiling anymore
    • Binary: two binary artifacts are said to be binary-compatible if interchanging them doesn’t lead to loading or linkage errors
    • Behavioral: a change is said to be behavioral-incompatible if one and the same program demonstrates different behavior before and after applying the change

    One has to remember that those definitions are given only for pure Kotlin. Compatibility of Kotlin code from the other languages perspective (e.g. from Java) is out of the scope of this document.

    Missing getter-targeted annotations on annotation constructor parameters


    Component: Kotlin/JVM

    Incompatible change type: behavioral

    Short summary: getter-target annotations on annotations constructor parameters will be properly written to classfiles in 1.3

    Deprecation cycle:

    • >=1.3: getter-target annotations on annotation constructor parameters are properly applied and written to the generated code

    Missing errors in class constructor’s @get: annotations

    Issue: KT-19628

    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: errors in getter-target annotations will be reported properly in 1.3

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: compilation errors in getter-target annotations were not reported, causing incorrect code to be compiled fine.
    • 1.2.x: errors reported only by tooling, the compiler still compiles such code without any warnings
    • >=1.3: errors reported by the compiler too, causing erroneous code to be rejected

    Nullability assertions on access to Java types annotated with @NotNull


    Component: Kotlin/JVM

    Incompatible change type: Behavioral

    Short summary: nullability assertions for Java-types annotated with not-null annotations will be generated more aggressively, causing code which passes null here to fail faster.

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.3: the compiler could miss such assertions when type inference was involved, allowing potential null propagation during compilation against binaries (see Issue for details).
    • >=1.3: the compiler generates missed assertions. This can case code which was (erroneously) passing nulls here fail faster.
      -XXLanguage:-StrictJavaNullabilityAssertions can be used to temporarily return to the pre-1.3 behavior. Support for this flag will be removed in the next major release.

    Unsound smartcasts on enum members

    Issue: KT-20772

    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: a smartcast on a member of one enum entry will be correctly applied to only this enum entry

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.3: a smartcast on a member of one enum entry could lead to an unsound smartcast on the same member of other enum entries.
    • >=1.3: smartcast will be properly applied only to the member of one enum entry.
      -XXLanguage:-SoundSmartcastForEnumEntries will temporarily return old behavior. Support for this flag will be removed in the next major release.

    val backing field reassignment in getter


    Components: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: reassignment of the backing field of val-property in its getter is now prohibited

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: Kotlin compiler allowed to modify backing field of val in its getter. Not only it violates Kotlin semantic, but also generates ill-behaved JVM bytecode which reassigns final field.
    • 1.2.X: deprecation warning is reported on code which reassigns backing field of
    • >=1.3: deprecation warnings are elevated to errors

    Array capturing before the for-loop where it is iterated

    Issue: KT-21354

    Component: Kotlin/JVM

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: if an expression in for-loop range is a local variable updated in a loop body, this change affects loop execution. This is inconsistent with iterating over other containers, such as ranges, character sequences, and collections.

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: described code patterns are compiled fine, but updates to local variable affect loop execution
    • 1.2.X: deprecation warning reported if a range expression in a for-loop is an array-typed local variable which is assigned in a loop body
    • 1.3: change behavior in such cases to be consistent with other containers

    Nested classifiers in enum entries


    Component: Core language

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3, nested classifiers (classes, object, interfaces, annotation classes, enum classes) in enum entries are prohibited

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: nested classifiers in enum entries are compiled fine, but may fail with exception at runtime
    • 1.2.X: deprecation warnings reported on the nested classifiers
    • >=1.3: deprecation warnings elevated to errors

    Inner classes inheriting Throwable that capture generic parameters from the outer class

    Issue: KT-17981

    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3, inner classes are not allowed to inherit Throwable

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: inner classes inheriting Throwable are compiled fine. If such inner classes happen to capture generic parameters, it could lead to strange code patterns which fail at runtime.
    • 1.2.X: deprecation warnings reported on inner classes inheriting Throwable
    • >=1.3: deprecation warnings elevated to errors

    Visibility rules regarding complex class hierarchies with companion objects

    Issues: , KT-25333

    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3, rules of visibility by short names are stricter for complex class hierarchies involving companion objects and nested classifiers.

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: old visibility rules (see Issue for details)
    • 1.2.X: deprecation warnings reported on short names which are not going to be accessible anymore. Tooling suggests automated migration by adding full name.
    • >=1.3: deprecation warnings elevated to errors. Offending code should add full qualifiers or explicit imports

    Non-constant vararg annotation parameters


    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3, setting non-constant values as vararg annotation parameters is prohibited

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: the compiler allows to pass non-constant value for vararg annotation parameter, but actually drops that value during bytecode generation, leading to non-obvious behavior
    • 1.2.X: deprecation warnings reported on such code patterns
    • >=1.3: deprecation warnings elevated to errors

    Local annotation classes

    Issue: KT-23277

    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3 local annotation classes are not supported

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: the compiler compiled local annotation classes fine
    • >=1.3: deprecation warnings elevated to errors

    Smartcasts on local delegated properties


    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3 smartcasts on local delegated properties are not allowed

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: the compiler allowed to smartcast local delegated property, which could lead to unsound smartcast in case of ill-behaved delegates
    • 1.2.X: smartcasts on local delegated properries are reported as deprecated (the compiler issues warnings)
    • >=1.3: deprecation warnings elevated to errors

    mod operator convention

    Issues: KT-24197

    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3 declaration of mod operator is prohibited, as well as calls which resolve to such declarations

    Deprecation cycle:

    • 1.1.X, 1.2.X: report warnings on declarations of operator mod, as well as on calls which resolve to it
    • 1.3.X: elevate warnings to error, but still allow to resolve to operator mod declarations
    • 1.4.X: do not resolve calls to operator mod anymore

    Passing single element to vararg in named form

    Issues: , KT-20589. See also

    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: assigning one value element to vararg in named form compiles fine and is treated as assigning single element to array, causing non-obvious behavior when assigning array to vararg
    • 1.2.X: deprecation warnings are reported on such assignments, users are suggested to switch to consecutive spread and array construction.
    • 1.3.X: warnings are elevated to errors
    • >= 1.4: change semantic of assigning single element to vararg, making assignment of array equivalent to the assignment of a spread of an array

    Annotations with target PARAMETER shouldn’t be applicable to parameter’s type

    Issue: KT-9580

    Component: Core language

    Incompatible change type: Source

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3, error about wrong annotation target will be properly reported when annotation with target PARAMETER is applied to parameter’s type

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.2: aforementioned code patterns are compiled fine; annotations are silently ignored and not present in the bytecode
    • 1.2.X: deprecation warnings are reported on such usages
    • >=1.3: warnings are elevated to errors

    Array.copyOfRange throws an exception when indices are out of bounds instead of enlarging the returned array


    Component: kotlin-stdlib (JVM)

    Incompatible change type: Behavioral

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3, ensure that the toIndex argument of Array.copyOfRange, which represents the exclusive end of the range being copied, is not greater than the array size and throw IllegalArgumentException if it is.

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.3: in case in the invocation of Array.copyOfRange is greater than the array size, the missing elements in range fill be filled with nulls, violating soundness of the Kotlin type system.
    • >=1.3: check that toIndex is in the array bounds, and throw exception if it isn’t

    Progressions of ints and longs with a step of Int.MIN_VALUE and Long.MIN_VALUE are outlawed and won’t be allowed to be instantiated

    Issue: KT-17176

    Component: kotlin-stdlib (JVM)

    Incompatible change type: Behavioral

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3, prohibit step value for integer progressions being the minimum negative value of its integer type (Long or Int), so that calling IntProgression.fromClosedRange(0, 1, step = Int.MIN_VALUE) will throw IllegalArgumentException

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.3: it was possible to create an IntProgression with Int.MIN_VALUE step, which yields two values [0, -2147483648], which is non-obvious behavior
    • >=1.3: throw IllegalArgumentException if the step is the minimum negative value of its integer type

    Check for index overflow in operations on very long sequences


    Component: kotlin-stdlib (JVM)

    Incompatible change type: Behavioral

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3, make sure index, count and similar methods do not overflow for long sequences. See the Issue for the full list of affected methods.

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.3: calling such methods on very long sequences could produce negative results due to integer overflow
    • >=1.3: detect overflow in such methods and throw exception immediately

    Unify split by an empty match regex result across the platforms

    Issue: KT-21049

    Component: kotlin-stdlib (JVM)

    Incompatible change type: Behavioral

    Short summary: since Kotlin 1.3, unify behavior of split method by empty match regex across all platforms

    Deprecation cycle:

    • <1.3: behavior of described calls is different when comparing JS, JRE 6, JRE 7 versus JRE 8+
    • >=1.3: unify behavior across the platforms

    Discontinued deprecated artifacts in the compiler distribution


    Component: other

    Incompatible change type: Binary

    Short summary: Kotlin 1.3 discontinues the following deprecated binary artifacts:

    • kotlin-runtime: use kotlin-stdlib instead
    • kotlin-stdlib-jre7/8: use kotlin-stdlib-jdk7/8 instead
    • kotlin-jslib in the compiler distribution: use kotlin-stdlib-js instead

    Deprecation cycle:

    • 1.2.X: the artifacts were marked as deprecated, the compiler reported warning on usage of those artifacts
    • >=1.3: the artifacts are discontinued

    Annotations in stdlib

    Issue: KT-21784

    Component: kotlin-stdlib (JVM)

    Incompatible change type: Binary

    Short summary: Kotlin 1.3 removes annotations from the package org.jetbrains.annotations from stdlib and moves them to the separate artifacts shipped with the compiler: annotations-13.0.jar and mutability-annotations-compat.jar

    • >=1.3: annotations ship in separate artifacts