Commits API

Commits API


  1. curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""


  1. [ { "id": "ed899a2f4b50b4370feeea94676502b42383c746", "short_id": "ed899a2f4b5", "title": "Replace sanitize with escape once", "author_name": "Example User", "author_email": "", "authored_date": "2012-09-20T11:50:22+03:00", "committer_name": "Administrator", "committer_email": "", "committed_date": "2012-09-20T11:50:22+03:00", "created_at": "2012-09-20T11:50:22+03:00", "message": "Replace sanitize with escape once", "parent_ids": [ "6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6" ], "web_url": "" }, { "id": "6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6", "short_id": "6104942438c", "title": "Sanitize for network graph", "author_name": "randx", "author_email": "", "committer_name": "ExampleName", "committer_email": "", "created_at": "2012-09-20T09:06:12+03:00", "message": "Sanitize for network graph", "parent_ids": [ "ae1d9fb46aa2b07ee9836d49862ec4e2c46fbbba" ], "web_url": "" } ]

Create a commit with multiple files and actions

在 GitLab 8.13 中引入 .

通过发布 JSON 有效负载来创建提交

  1. POST /projects/:id/repository/commits
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 项目的 ID 或
branch string yes 要提交的分支名称. 要创建一个新分支,还提供start_branchstart_sha ,还可以提供start_project .
commit_message string yes 提交讯息
start_branch string no 从中开始新分支的分支名称
start_sha string no 从以下位置启动新分支的提交的 SHA
start_project integer/string no 从中开始新分支的项目 ID 或项目的URL 编码路径 . 默认为id的值.
actions[] array yes 动作哈希数组要批量提交. 请参阅下表以了解它可以采用的属性.
author_email string no 指定提交作者的电子邮件地址
author_name string no 指定提交作者的姓名
stats boolean no 包括提交统计信息. 默认为 true
force boolean no 如果为true则基于start_branchstart_sha的新提交覆盖目标分支
actions[] Attribute Type Required Description
action string yes 执行, createdeletemoveupdatechmod
file_path string yes 文件的完整路径. 例如 lib/class.rb
previous_path string no 要移动文件的原始完整路径. 例如 lib/class1.rb . 仅考虑move动作.
content string no deletechmodmove以外的所有文件所必需的文件内容. 未指定content移动动作将保留现有文件内容,而任何其他content值都将覆盖文件内容.
encoding string no textbase64 . text是默认值.
last_commit_id string no 上次已知的文件提交 ID. 仅在更新,移动和删除操作中考虑.
execute_filemode boolean no 当为true/false启用/禁用文件上的 execute 标志. 仅考虑用于chmod操作.
  1. PAYLOAD=$(cat << 'JSON'
  2. {
  3. "branch": "master",
  4. "commit_message": "some commit message",
  5. "actions": [
  6. {
  7. "action": "create",
  8. "file_path": "foo/bar",
  9. },
  10. {
  11. "action": "delete",
  12. "file_path": "foo/bar2"
  13. },
  14. {
  15. "action": "move",
  16. "file_path": "foo/bar3",
  17. "content": "some content"
  18. },
  19. {
  20. "action": "update",
  21. "file_path": "foo/bar5",
  22. "content": "new content"
  23. },
  24. {
  25. "action": "chmod",
  26. "file_path": "foo/bar5",
  27. "execute_filemode": true
  28. }
  29. ]
  30. } JSON )
  31. curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "$PAYLOAD" ""


  1. { "id": "ed899a2f4b50b4370feeea94676502b42383c746", "short_id": "ed899a2f4b5", "title": "some commit message", "author_name": "Example User", "author_email": "", "committer_name": "Example User", "committer_email": "", "created_at": "2016-09-20T09:26:24.000-07:00", "message": "some commit message", "parent_ids": [ "ae1d9fb46aa2b07ee9836d49862ec4e2c46fbbba" ], "committed_date": "2016-09-20T09:26:24.000-07:00", "authored_date": "2016-09-20T09:26:24.000-07:00", "stats": { "additions": 2, "deletions": 2, "total": 4 }, "status": null, "web_url": "" }

GitLab 支持 . 以下是使用 Commit API 和表单编码的示例:

  1. curl --request POST \
  2. --form "branch=master" \
  3. --form "commit_message=some commit message" \
  4. --form "start_branch=master" \
  5. --form "actions[][action]=create" \
  6. --form "actions[][file_path]=foo/bar" \
  7. --form "actions[][content]=</path/to/local.file" \
  8. --form "actions[][action]=delete" \
  9. --form "actions[][file_path]=foo/bar2" \
  10. --form "actions[][action]=move" \
  11. --form "actions[][file_path]=foo/bar3" \
  12. --form "actions[][previous_path]=foo/bar4" \
  13. --form "actions[][content]=</path/to/local1.file" \
  14. --form "actions[][action]=update" \
  15. --form "actions[][file_path]=foo/bar5" \
  16. --form "actions[][content]=</path/to/local2.file" \
  17. --form "actions[][action]=chmod" \
  18. --form "actions[][execute_filemode]=true" \
  19. --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
  20. ""

Get a single commit


  1. GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 经过身份验证的用户拥有的 ID 或URL 编码路径
sha string yes 提交哈希或存储库分支或标记的名称
stats boolean no 包括提交统计信息. 默认为 true
  1. curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""


  1. { "id": "6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6", "short_id": "6104942438c", "title": "Sanitize for network graph", "author_name": "randx", "author_email": "", "committer_name": "Dmitriy", "committer_email": "", "created_at": "2012-09-20T09:06:12+03:00", "message": "Sanitize for network graph", "committed_date": "2012-09-20T09:06:12+03:00", "authored_date": "2012-09-20T09:06:12+03:00", "parent_ids": [ "ae1d9fb46aa2b07ee9836d49862ec4e2c46fbbba" ], "last_pipeline" : { "id": 8, "ref": "master", "sha": "2dc6aa325a317eda67812f05600bdf0fcdc70ab0", "status": "created" }, "stats": { "additions": 15, "deletions": 10, "total": 25 }, "status": "running", "web_url": "" }

Get references a commit is pushed to

在 GitLab 10.6 中引入

获取提交已提交的所有引用(从分支或标签). 分页参数pageper_page可用于限制引用列表.

  1. GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/refs


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 经过身份验证的用户拥有的 ID 或URL 编码路径
sha string yes 提交哈希
type string no 提交范围. 可能的值是branchtagall . 默认为all .
  1. curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

Example response:

  1. [ {"type": "branch", "name": "'test'"}, {"type": "branch", "name": "add-balsamiq-file"}, {"type": "branch", "name": "wip"}, {"type": "tag", "name": "v1.1.0"} ]

在 GitLab 8.15 中 .

Cherry 选择了对给定分支的提交.

  1. POST /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/cherry_pick


  1. curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --form "branch=master" ""


  1. { "message": "Sorry, we cannot cherry-pick this commit automatically. This commit may already have been cherry-picked, or a more recent commit may have updated some of its content.", "error_code": "empty" }

在这种情况下,cherry-pick 失败,因为变更集为空,并且很可能表明提交已存在于目标分支中. 另一个可能的错误代码是conflict ,表示存在合并冲突.

Revert a commit

在 GitLab 11.5 中 .


  1. POST /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/revert


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 项目的 ID 或URL 编码的路径
sha string yes 提交 SHA 还原
branch string yes 目标分支名称
  1. curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --form "branch=master" ""


  1. { "id":"8b090c1b79a14f2bd9e8a738f717824ff53aebad", "short_id": "8b090c1b", "title":"Revert \"Feature added\"", "created_at":"2018-11-08T15:55:26.000Z", "parent_ids":["a738f717824ff53aebad8b090c1b79a14f2bd9e8"], "message":"Revert \"Feature added\"\n\nThis reverts commit a738f717824ff53aebad8b090c1b79a14f2bd9e8", "author_name":"Administrator", "author_email":"", "authored_date":"2018-11-08T15:55:26.000Z", "committer_name":"Administrator", "committer_email":"", "committed_date":"2018-11-08T15:55:26.000Z", "web_url": "" }


  1. { "message": "Sorry, we cannot revert this commit automatically. This commit may already have been reverted, or a more recent commit may have updated some of its content.", "error_code": "conflict" }

在这种情况下,还原失败,因为尝试的还原产生了合并冲突. 另一个可能的错误代码为empty ,表明变更集为空,这可能是由于变更已被还原.

Get the diff of a commit


  1. GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/diff


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 经过身份验证的用户拥有的项目的 ID 或
sha string yes 提交哈希或存储库分支或标记的名称
  1. curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""


  1. [ { "diff": "--- a/doc/update/\n+++ b/doc/update/\n@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@\n sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake migrate_keys RAILS_ENV=production\n sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake migrate_inline_notes RAILS_ENV=production\n \n+sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:assets:compile RAILS_ENV=production\n+\n ```\n \n ### 6\. Update config files", "new_path": "doc/update/", "old_path": "doc/update/", "a_mode": null, "b_mode": "100644", "new_file": false, "renamed_file": false, "deleted_file": false } ]

Get the comments of a commit



Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 经过身份验证的用户拥有的 ID 或URL 编码路径
sha string yes 提交哈希或存储库分支或标记的名称
  1. curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""


  1. [ { "note": "this code is really nice", "author": { "id": 11, "username": "admin", "email": "", "name": "Administrator", "state": "active", "created_at": "2014-03-06T08:17:35.000Z" } } ]


为了在特定文件的特定行中发布评论,您必须指定完整的提交 SHA, pathlineline_type应该是new .

  • 相反, sha是分支或标签,并且linepath无效
  • line号无效(不存在)
  • path无效(不存在)

在上述任何情况下, lineline_typepath的响应都设置为null .

  1. POST /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/comments
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 经过身份验证的用户拥有的 ID 或URL 编码路径
sha string yes 提交 SHA 或存储库分支或标记的名称
note string yes 评论文字
path string no 相对于存储库的文件路径
line integer no 放置评论的行号
line_type string no 线型. 采用newold的争论
  1. curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --form "note=Nice picture man\!" --form "" --form "line=11" --form "line_type=new" ""


  1. { "author" : { "web_url" : "", "avatar_url" : "", "username" : "thedude", "state" : "active", "name" : "Jeff Lebowski", "id" : 28 }, "created_at" : "2016-01-19T09:44:55.600Z", "line_type" : "new", "path" : "", "line" : 11, "note" : "Nice picture man!" }

Get the discussions of a commit



  1. curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""


  1. [ { "id": "4604744a1c64de00ff62e1e8a6766919923d2b41", "individual_note": true, "notes": [ { "id": 334686748, "type": null, "body": "I'm the Dude, so that's what you call me.", "attachment": null, "author" : { "id" : 28, "name" : "Jeff Lebowski", "username" : "thedude", "web_url" : "", "state" : "active", "avatar_url" : "" }, "created_at": "2020-04-30T18:48:11.432Z", "updated_at": "2020-04-30T18:48:11.432Z", "system": false, "noteable_id": null, "noteable_type": "Commit", "resolvable": false, "confidential": null, "noteable_iid": null, "commands_changes": {} } ] } ]

Commit status

从 GitLab 8.1 开始,这是新的提交状态 API.

列出项目中提交的状态. 分页参数pageper_page可用于限制引用列表.

  1. GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/statuses
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 经过身份验证的用户拥有的 ID 或URL 编码路径
sha string yes 提交 SHA
ref string no The name of a repository branch or tag or, if not given, the default branch
stage string no 按过滤,例如test
name string no 工作名称过滤,例如bundler:audit
all boolean no 返回所有状态,不仅是最新状态
  1. curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "


  1. [ ... { "status" : "pending", "created_at" : "2016-01-19T08:40:25.934Z", "started_at" : null, "name" : "bundler:audit", "allow_failure" : true, "author" : { "username" : "thedude", "state" : "active", "web_url" : "", "avatar_url" : "", "id" : 28, "name" : "Jeff Lebowski" }, "description" : null, "sha" : "18f3e63d05582537db6d183d9d557be09e1f90c8", "target_url" : "", "finished_at" : null, "id" : 91, "ref" : "master" }, { "started_at" : null, "name" : "test", "allow_failure" : false, "status" : "pending", "created_at" : "2016-01-19T08:40:25.832Z", "target_url" : "", "id" : 90, "finished_at" : null, "ref" : "master", "sha" : "18f3e63d05582537db6d183d9d557be09e1f90c8", "author" : { "id" : 28, "name" : "Jeff Lebowski", "username" : "thedude", "web_url" : "", "state" : "active", "avatar_url" : "" }, "description" : null }, ... ]

Post the build status to a commit


  1. POST /projects/:id/statuses/:sha
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 经过身份验证的用户拥有的项目的 ID 或
sha string yes 提交 SHA
state string yes 状态的状态. 可以是以下之一: pendingrunningsuccessfailedcanceled
ref string no 状态所ref (分支或标签)
name or context string no 区分此状态和其他系统状态的标签. 默认值是default
target_url string no 与该状态关联的目标 URL
description string no 状态的简短描述
coverage float no 总代码覆盖率
pipeline_id integer no 要设置状态的管道的 ID. 在同一 SHA 上有多个管道的情况下使用.
  1. curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""


  1. { "author" : { "web_url" : "", "name" : "Jeff Lebowski", "avatar_url" : "", "username" : "thedude", "state" : "active", "id" : 28 }, "name" : "default", "sha" : "18f3e63d05582537db6d183d9d557be09e1f90c8", "status" : "success", "coverage": 100.0, "description" : null, "id" : 93, "target_url" : null, "ref" : null, "started_at" : null, "created_at" : "2016-01-19T09:05:50.355Z", "allow_failure" : false, "finished_at" : "2016-01-19T09:05:50.365Z" }

List Merge Requests associated with a commit

在 GitLab 10.7 中 .


  1. GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/merge_requests
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 经过身份验证的用户拥有的项目的 ID 或
sha string yes 提交 SHA
  1. curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""


  1. [ { "id":45, "iid":1, "project_id":35, "title":"Add new file", "description":"", "state":"opened", "created_at":"2018-03-26T17:26:30.916Z", "updated_at":"2018-03-26T17:26:30.916Z", "target_branch":"master", "source_branch":"test-branch", "upvotes":0, "downvotes":0, "author" : { "web_url" : "", "name" : "Jeff Lebowski", "avatar_url" : "", "username" : "thedude", "state" : "active", "id" : 28 }, "assignee":null, "source_project_id":35, "target_project_id":35, "labels":[ ], "work_in_progress":false, "milestone":null, "merge_when_pipeline_succeeds":false, "merge_status":"can_be_merged", "sha":"af5b13261899fb2c0db30abdd0af8b07cb44fdc5", "merge_commit_sha":null, "squash_commit_sha":null, "user_notes_count":0, "discussion_locked":null, "should_remove_source_branch":null, "force_remove_source_branch":false, "web_url":"http://", "time_stats":{ "time_estimate":0, "total_time_spent":0, "human_time_estimate":null, "human_total_time_spent":null } } ]

从提交获取 (如果已签名). 对于未签名的提交,将导致 404 响应.

  1. GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/signature


Attribute Type Required Description
id integer/string yes 经过身份验证的用户拥有的项目的 ID 或
sha string yes 提交哈希或存储库分支或标记的名称
  1. curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""

如果提交是由 GPG 签名的,则示例响应:

  1. { "signature_type": "PGP", "verification_status": "verified", "gpg_key_id": 1, "gpg_key_primary_keyid": "8254AAB3FBD54AC9", "gpg_key_user_name": "John Doe", "gpg_key_user_email": "", "gpg_key_subkey_id": null }
