Mailing lists

    安全问题请**只**向 报告。此邮件列表是私密的,只向资历深且高度可信的 Django 开发者开放,其存档不会被公开。如需要更多细节,请前往 :doc:`我们的安全策略 </internals/security>`页面查看。

    Django has several official mailing lists on Google Groups that are open to anyone.

    This is the right place if you are looking to ask any question regarding the installation, usage, or debugging of Django.

    If it’s the first time you send an email to this list, your email must be accepted first so don’t worry if instantly.


    The Django Core Mentorship list is intended to provide a welcoming introductory environment for community members interested in contributing to the Django Project.

    The discussion about the development of Django itself takes place here.


    Please make use of if you want to ask for tech support, doing so in this list is inappropriate.


    This is the place to discuss the internationalization and localization of Django’s components.


    All the ticket updates are mailed automatically to this list, which is tracked by developers and interested community members.