Django 1.9.2 release notes

    Django 1.9.2 fixes a security regression in 1.9 and several bugs in 1.9.1. It also makes a small backwards incompatible change that hopefully doesn’t affect any users.

    The addition of some Django template language syntax to the default app template in Django 1.9 means those files now have some invalid Python syntax. This causes difficulties for packaging systems that unconditionally byte-compile *.py files.

    Please file a ticket if you have a custom project template containing .py-tpl files and find this behavior problematic.

    • Fixed a regression in ConditionalGetMiddleware causing If-None-Match checks to always return HTTP 200 ().
    • Fixed a regression that caused the “user-tools” items to display on the admin’s logout page (#26035).
    • Fixed a crash in the translations system when the current language has no translations ().
    • Fixed a regression in the admin’s edit related model popup that caused an escaped value to be displayed in the select dropdown of the parent window (#25997).
    • Fixed a regression in 1.8.8 causing incorrect index handling in migrations on PostgreSQL when adding db_index=True or unique=True to a CharField or TextField that already had the other specified, or when removing one of them from a field that had both, or when adding unique=True to a field already listed in unique_together ().
    • Fixed a regression where defining a relation on an abstract model’s field using a string model name without an app_label no longer resolved that reference to the abstract model’s app if using that model in another application (#25858).
    • Fixed a crash when destroying an existing test database on MySQL or PostgreSQL ().
    • Fixed CSRF cookie check on POST requests when USE_X_FORWARDED_PORT=True (#26094).
    • Fixed a QuerySet.order_by() crash when ordering by a relational field of a ManyToManyField through model ().
    • Fixed a crash when using a reverse OneToOneField in ModelAdmin.readonly_fields (#26060).
    • Fixed a crash when calling the migrate command in a test case with the available_apps attribute pointing to an application with migrations disabled using the MIGRATION_MODULES setting ().
    • Restored the ability for testing and debugging tools to determine the template from which a node came from, even during template inheritance or inclusion. Prior to Django 1.9, debugging tools could access the template origin from the node via Node.token.source[0]. This was an undocumented, private API. The origin is now available directly on each node using the Node.origin attribute (#25848).
    • Fixed a regression in Django 1.8.5 that broke copying a SimpleLazyObject with copy.copy() ().
    • Always included geometry_field in the GeoJSON serializer output regardless of the fields parameter (#26138).
    • Fixed the contrib.gis map widgets when using USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True ().