Deployments can contain custom code in form of scripts or EL expressions to customize process behavior. This may be abused for remote execution of arbitrary code. See the section on in the user guide for details.





A JSON object corresponding to the DeploymentWithDefinitions interface in the engine.Its properties are as follows:

Response Codes


Post data for a new deployment:

Status 200.

  1. {
  2. "links": [
  3. {
  4. "href": "http://localhost:38080/rest-test/deployment/aDeploymentId",
  5. }
  6. ],
  7. "id": "aDeploymentId",
  8. "name": "aName",
  9. "source": "process application",
  10. "deploymentTime": "2013-01-23T13:59:43.000+0200",
  11. "tenantId": null,
  12. "deployedProcessDefinitions": {
  13. "aProcDefId": {
  14. "id": "aProcDefId",
  15. "key": "aKey",
  16. "description": "aDescription",
  17. "version": 42,
  18. "resource": "aResourceName",
  19. "deploymentId": "aDeploymentId",
  20. "diagram": "aResourceName.png",
  21. "suspended": true,
  22. "tenantId": null,
  23. "versionTag": null
  24. }
  25. },
  26. "deployedCaseDefinitions": null,
  27. "deployedDecisionDefinitions": null,
  28. }