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    DMN tables can be changed directly in Cockpit. Clicking on the Edit button will open a dialog which contains an editable version of the DMN table. This button is only available for DMN resources. The edit dialog can also be opened by clicking on the icon on the .

    Gray cells on the table display technical details like variable names and types. Changing this data might lead to incompatability with existing definitions, especially if the decision table is integrated in a BPMN process.

    You can download the changed table with the Download changed version button. The downloaded file contains all changes you made to the table, but does not deploy it. The download feature is not available in Internet Explorer.

    By clicking Proceed, a new dialog opens containing the changed table. The changes should be carefully reviewed as confirming the change and clicking will immediately create a new deployment containing the new DMN file as resource. All process and case definitions which use the latest version of the decision definition will then use the new version.

    The new deployment will have the name provided in the confirmation dialog and will also have the string cockpit set as deployment source.