The bpm-platform.xml file is not used in the Camunda BPM distribution for JBoss Application Server 7 / Wildfly 8 / 10. There, the configuration is added to the central application server configuration file (standalone.xml or domain.xml). The XML schema is the same (i.e., the same elements and properties can be used). See the section of the User Guide for more details.

Xml Schema Namespace

The namespace for the bpm-platform.xml file is . The XSD file can be found in the camunda-engine.jar file.

Syntax Reference

Configure Location of the bpm-platform.xml File

This feature is available for:

  • Apache Tomcat
  • Oracle WebLogic Application Server
    It is not available for the JBoss AS 7 / Wildfly 8 / 10 / 11 subsystem implementation, because the subsystem implementation uses the JBoss specific standalone.xml to configure the platform.

To specify the location, you have to provide an absolute path or an http/https url pointing to the bpm-platform.xml file, e.g., /home/camunda/.camunda/bpm-platform.xml or .

  • JNDI entry is available at java:/comp/env/bpm-platform-xml
  • Environment variable BPM_PLATFORM_XML is set
  • System property bpm.platform.xml is set, e.g., when starting the server JVM it is appended as -Dbpm.platform.xml on the command line
  • (For Tomcat only): checks if there is a bpm-platform.xml inside the folder specified by ${CATALINA_BASE} || ${CATALINA_HOME} + /conf/
    The discovery stops when one of the above mentioned sources is found or, in case none is found, it falls back to the bpm-platform.xml on the classpath, respectively ${CATALINA_BASE} || ${CATALINA_HOME} + /conf/ for Tomcat. We ship a default bpm-platform.xml file inside the camunda-bpm-platform.ear, except when you use the Tomcat or JBoss version of the platform.

Using System Properties

To externalize environment specific parts of the configuration, it is possible to reference system properties using Ant-style expressions (i.e., ${PROPERTY_KEY}). Expression resolution is supported within the elements only. System properties may be set via command line (-Doption) or in an implementation specific manner (Apache Tomcat’s for example).Complex operations are not supported, but you may combine more than one expression in a single property element (e.g., ${}:${ldap.port}).


  1. <!-- ... -->
  2. <plugin>
  3. <class>org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.plugin.AdministratorAuthorizationPlugin</class>
  4. <properties>
  5. <property name="administratorUserName">${camunda.administratorUserName}</property>
  6. </properties>
  7. <!-- ... -->