
POST /history/task


A JSON object with the following properties:

|sortBy|Mandatory. Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion. Valid values are taskId, activityInstanceID, processDefinitionId, processInstanceId, executionId, duration, endTime, startTime, taskName, taskDescription, assignee, owner, dueDate, followUpDate, deleteReason, taskDefinitionKey, priority, , caseInstanceId, and caseExecutionId and tenantId.|sortOrder|Mandatory. Sort the results in a given order. Values may be asc for ascending order or desc for descending order.
|sortBy|Mandatory. Sort the results lexicographically by a given criterion. Valid values are taskId, activityInstanceID, processDefinitionId, processInstanceId, executionId, duration, endTime, startTime, taskName, taskDescription, assignee, owner, dueDate, followUpDate, deleteReason, taskDefinitionKey, priority, caseDefinitionId, caseInstanceId, and caseExecutionId and tenantId.
|sortOrder|Mandatory. Sort the results in a given order. Values may be asc for ascending order or desc for descending order.


A JSON array of historic task objects.Each historic task object has the following properties:

  • For further information, please see the .

Response Codes


Request Body:


  1. "processDefinitionId":"aProcDefId",
  2. "processInstanceId":"aProcInstId",
  3. "executionId":"anExecution",
  4. "caseDefinitionId":"aCaseDefId",
  5. "caseInstanceId":"aCaseInstId",
  6. "caseExecutionId":"aCaseExecution",
  7. "activityInstanceId": "anActInstId",
  8. "name":"aName",
  9. "description":"aDescription",
  10. "owner":"anOwner",
  11. "assignee":"anAssignee",
  12. "startTime":"2013-01-23T13:42:42.000+0200",
  13. "endTime":"2013-01-23T13:45:42.000+0200",
  14. "duration": 2000,
  15. "taskDefinitionKey":"aTaskDefinitionKey",
  16. "priority":10,
  17. "due":"2013-01-23T13:49:42.000+0200",
  18. "parentTaskId":"aParentId",
  19. "tenantId":null}]