If an HTML control is not supported, you need to write custom JavaScript.

The cam-variable-name Directive

The directive allows providing the name of a process / task / case variable. If the directive is discovered on an HTML control, the value of the variable is fetched from the server and written to the control.

The cam-business-key Directive

The cam-business-key is aimed to be used on a free text input field in order to define a businessKey at the .This attribute is only relevant when the form is aimed to start a process.

  1. <input type="text"
  2. cam-business-key>

If you use the AngularJS integration, the cam-variable-name directive will automatically bind the input to the model in case no binding is provided by the user.

The following two markup examples have the same semantics:

is the same as

  1. ng-model="CUSTOMER_ID">

The cam-variable-type Directive

The cam-variable-type directive allows specifying the type of a process / task / case variable. This is required if the variable does not yet exist.

The following markup creates a text input field bound to a variable of type :

  1. <input type="text"
  2. cam-variable-name="INVOICE_AMOUNT"
  3. cam-variable-type="Double">

See the section on variable types for a list of variable types which are supported out of the box.