The request body of this method takes a JSON-serialized query. Some query types (e.g., task queries) allow to specify EL expressions in their parameters and may therefore be abused for remote code execution. See the section on in the user guide for details.





A JSON array containing JSON objects corresponding to the matching entity interface in the engine.This depends on the saved query in the filter. Therefore it is not possible to specify a genericresult format, i.e., if the resource type of the filter is Task the result will correspond to theTask interface in the engine.

Response codes


POST /filter/aTaskFilterId/list/?firstResult=0&maxResults=2

Note: The examples show a task filter. So the request body corresponds to a task query. For other resource types the request body will differ.

Status 200.

  1. {
  2. "assignee": "jonny1",
  3. "caseDefinitionId": null,
  4. "caseInstanceId": null,
  5. "created": "2014-09-15T15:45:48.000+0200",
  6. "delegationState": null,
  7. "description": null,
  8. "due": null,
  9. "executionId": "aExecutionId",
  10. "formKey": null,
  11. "name": "Task 2",
  12. "owner": null,
  13. "parentTaskId": null,
  14. "priority": 50,
  15. "processDefinitionId": "aProcessId",
  16. "processInstanceId": "aProcessInstanceId",
  17. "suspended": false,
  18. "taskDefinitionKey": "aTaskKey"
  19. ]