Reporting Bugs

    Search our to see if we already know about your problem and learn about when we think we can fix it. If you don’t find your problem in the database, please open a new issue and let us know what’s going on.

    If you think a bug is in fact a security vulnerability, please visit to learn what to do.

    If you’re running on Kubernetes, consider including a cluster state archive with your bug report. For convenience, you can run the command to produce an archive containing all of the relevant state from your Kubernetes cluster:

    ``` $ istioctl bug-report ```

    Then attach the produced bug-report.tgz with your reported problem.

    If you are unable to use the bug-report command, please attach your own archive containing:

    • Pods, services, deployments, and endpoints across all namespaces:

      $ kubectl get pods,services,deployments,endpoints --all-namespaces -o yaml > k8s_resources.yaml

    • Secret names in :

      $ kubectl --namespace istio-system get secrets

    • Current and previous logs from all Istio components and sidecar

    • Istiod logs:

    Documentation bugs

    Search our documentation issue database to see if we already know about your problem and learn about when we think we can fix it. If you don’t find your problem in the database, please navigate to the page with the problem, then select the gear menu at the top right of this page, and finally chose Report a Site Bug.