Installation Configuration Profiles

    You can start with one of Istio’s built-in configuration profiles and then further for your specific needs. The following built-in configuration profiles are currently available:

    1. default: enables components according to the default settings of the API. This profile is recommended for production deployments and for primary clusters in a . You can display the default settings by running the command.

    2. minimal: same as the default profile, but only the control plane components are installed. This allows you to configure the control plane and data plane components (e.g., gateways) using separate profiles.

    3. empty: deploys nothing. This can be useful as a base profile for custom configuration.

    Some additional vendor-specific configuration profiles are also available. For more information, refer to the for your platform.

    The components marked as ✔ are installed within each profile:

    To further customize Istio, a number of addon components can also be installed. Refer to integrations for more details.