Installing the Sidecar

    The following sections describe two ways of injecting the Istio sidecar into a pod: enabling automatic Istio sidecar injection in the pod’s namespace, or by manually using the command.

    When enabled in a pod’s namespace, automatic injection injects the proxy configuration at pod creation time using an admission controller.

    Manual injection directly modifies configuration, like deployments, by adding the proxy configuration into it.

    If you are not sure which one to use, automatic injection is recommended.

    Sidecars can be automatically added to applicable Kubernetes pods using a mutating webhook admission controller provided by Istio.

    While admission controllers are enabled by default, some Kubernetes distributions may disable them. If this is the case, follow the instructions to .

    When you set the istio-injection=enabled label on a namespace and the injection webhook is enabled, any new pods that are created in that namespace will automatically have a sidecar added to them.

    Note that unlike manual injection, automatic injection occurs at the pod-level. You won’t see any change to the deployment itself. Instead, you’ll want to check individual pods (via kubectl describe) to see the injected proxy.

    To manually inject a deployment, use istioctl kube-inject:

    1. $ kubectl -n istio-system get configmap istio-sidecar-injector -o=jsonpath='{.data.config}' > inject-config.yaml
    2. $ kubectl -n istio-system get configmap istio-sidecar-injector -o=jsonpath='{.data.values}' > inject-values.yaml
    3. $ kubectl -n istio-system get configmap istio -o=jsonpath='{.data.mesh}' > mesh-config.yaml

    Run kube-inject over the input file and deploy.


    1. $ istioctl kube-inject \
    2. --injectConfigFile inject-config.yaml \
    3. --meshConfigFile mesh-config.yaml \
    4. --valuesFile inject-values.yaml \
    5. --filename @samples/sleep/sleep.yaml@ \
    6. | kubectl apply -f -
    7. serviceaccount/sleep created
    8. service/sleep created
    9. deployment.apps/sleep created

    Verify that the sidecar has been injected into the sleep pod with 2/2 under the READY column.

    1. $ kubectl get pod -l app=sleep
    3. sleep-64c6f57bc8-f5n4x 2/2 Running 0 24s

    Deploying an app

    Deploy sleep app. Verify both deployment and pod have a single container.

    1. $ kubectl get pod
    3. sleep-8f795f47d-hdcgs 1/1 Running 0 42s

    Label the default namespace with istio-injection=enabled

    1. $ kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
    2. $ kubectl get namespace -L istio-injection
    4. ...

    Injection occurs at pod creation time. Kill the running pod and verify a new pod is created with the injected sidecar. The original pod has 1/1 READY containers, and the pod with injected sidecar has 2/2 READY containers.

    1. $ kubectl delete pod -l app=sleep
    2. $ kubectl get pod -l app=sleep
    3. pod "sleep-776b7bcdcd-7hpnk" deleted
    5. sleep-776b7bcdcd-7hpnk 1/1 Terminating 0 1m
    6. sleep-776b7bcdcd-bhn9m 2/2 Running 0 7s

    View detailed state of the injected pod. You should see the injected istio-proxy container and corresponding volumes.

    Disable injection for the namespace and verify new pods are created without the sidecar.

    1. $ kubectl label namespace default istio-injection-
    2. $ kubectl delete pod -l app=sleep
    3. $ kubectl get pod
    4. namespace/default labeled
    5. pod "sleep-776b7bcdcd-bhn9m" deleted
    7. sleep-776b7bcdcd-bhn9m 2/2 Terminating 0 2m
    8. sleep-776b7bcdcd-gmvnr 1/1 Running 0 2s

    Controlling the injection policy

    In the above examples, you enabled and disabled injection at the namespace level. Injection can also be controlled on a per-pod basis, by configuring the label on a pod:

    ResourceEnabled labelDisabled label”false”

    If the istio-injection label and the label are both present on the same namespace, the istio-injection label will take precedence.

    The injector is configured with the following logic:

    1. If either label is disabled, the pod is not injected
    2. If either label is enabled, the pod is injected
    3. If neither label is set, the pod is injected if .values.sidecarInjectorWebhook.enableNamespacesByDefault is enabled. This is not enabled by default, so generally this means the pod is not injected.

    Customizing injection

    Generally, pod are injected based on the sidecar injection template, configured in the istio-sidecar-injector configmap. Per-pod configuration is available to override these options on individual pods. This is done by adding an istio-proxy container to your pod. The sidecar injection will treat any configuration defined here as an override to the default injection template.

    Care should be taken when customizing these settings, as this allows complete customization of the resulting Pod, including making changes that cause the sidecar container to not function properly.

    For example, the following configuration customizes a variety of settings, including lowering the CPU requests, adding a volume mount, and adding a preStop hook:

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: Pod
    3. metadata:
    4. name: example
    5. spec:
    6. containers:
    7. - name: hello
    8. image: alpine
    9. - name: istio-proxy
    10. image: auto
    11. requests:
    12. cpu: "100m"
    13. volumeMounts:
    14. - mountPath: /etc/certs
    15. name: certs
    16. lifecycle:
    17. preStop:
    18. exec:
    19. command: ["sleep", "10"]
    20. volumes:
    21. - name: certs
    22. secret:
    23. secretName: istio-certs

    In general, any field in a pod can be set. However, care must be taken for certain fields:

    • Kubernetes requires the image field to be set before the injection has run. While you can set a specific image to override the default one, it is recommended to set the image to auto which will cause the sidecar injector to automatically select the image to use.
    • Some fields in Pod are dependent on related settings. For example, CPU request must be less than CPU limit. If both fields are not configured together, the pod may fail to start.

    Additionally, certain fields are configurable by annotations on the pod, although it is recommended to use the above approach to customizing settings.

    This feature is experimental and subject to change, or removal, at any time.

    Completely custom templates can also be defined at installation time. For example, to define a custom template that injects the GREETING environment variable into the istio-proxy container:

    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: IstioOperator
    3. metadata:
    4. name: istio
    5. spec:
    6. values:
    7. sidecarInjectorWebhook:
    8. templates:
    9. custom: |
    10. spec:
    11. containers:
    12. - name: istio-proxy
    13. env:
    14. value: hello-world

    Pods will, by default, use the sidecar injection template, which is automatically created. This can be overridden by the annotation. For example, to apply the default template and our customization, you can set,custom.