KubeSphere Container Platform

    This vendor-provided document has not been tested on the Istio 1.9 release and may contain bugs.

    Follow these instructions to prepare the for Istio. You can download KubeSphere to easily install a Kubernetes cluster on your Linux machines.

    KubeSphere provides All-in-One and installations. This enables quick setup and manages Kubernetes and Istio in a unified web console. This tutorial will walk you through the All-in-One installation. Reference Multi-node Installation for further information.

    • Hardware:

      • Memory: at least 4
    • Operating Systems:

      • CentOS 7.4 ~ 7.7 (64-bit)
      • Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 LTS ()
      • Debian Stretch 9.5 ()

    Ensure your firewall meets the . If this is not immediately feasible, you may evaluate Istio and KubeSphere by disabling the firewall as documented in your distribution.

    1. Execute the installation script, it will create a standard Kubernetes cluster. Select the “1) All-in-one” option when prompted:

    2. Installation may take 15 ~ 20 minutes. Wait until all pods are running. Access the console using the account information obtained from the installation logs:

      At the same time, Kubernetes has been installed into your environment.

    KubeSphere will install Istio within Kubernetes. Now reference Enable Service Mesh to enable Istio.