
    1. “Basis” is the rest shape. “Key 1”, “Key 2”, etc. will be the new shapes.

    2. Deform mesh as you want (do not remove or add vertices).

    3. Select “Key 2”, the mesh will be changed to the rest shape.

    4. Transform “Key 2” and keep going for other shape keys.

    5. Switch back to Object Mode.

    In the figure below, from left to right shows: “Basis”, “Key 1”, “Key 2” and mix (“Key 1” and “Key 2” ) shape keys in Object Mode.

    Relative shape keys example.

    For more practical examples, see .

    Absolute Shape Keys

    1. Add a sequence of shape keys as described above for relative shape keys.

    2. Uncheck the Relative checkbox.

    3. Switch to Object Mode.


    Absolute shape keys workflow.

    By adding a driver or setting to Evaluation Time you can create an animation.

    See also

    There are two modeling tools used to control shape keys and are found in Edit Mode.