Arangodump Options


    encryption.key-generatorstring_Enterprise Edition only_Program providing the encryption key on stdout. If set, encryption will be enabled.Default: ""
    encryption.keyfilestring_Enterprise Edition only_File containing the encryption key. If set, encryption will be enabled.Default: ""


    random.generatoruint32Random number generator to use (1 = MERSENNE, 2 = RANDOM, 3 = URANDOM, 4 = COMBINED (not for Windows), 5 = WinCrypt (Windows only)Default: 1Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4


    ssl.protocoluint64Ssl protocol (1 = SSLv2 (unsupported), 2 = SSLv2 or SSLv3 (negotiated), 3 = SSLv3, 4 = TLSv1, 5 = TLSv1.2, 6 = TLSv1.3, 9 = generic TLS)Default: 5Possible values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9

    Dump encryption is only available in the,also available as managed service.

    The file path-to-keyfile must contain the encryption key. Thisfile must be secured, so that only arangodump or arangorestore can access it.You should also ensure that in case someone steals your hardware, they will not beable to read the file. For example, by encrypting /mytmpfs orcreating an in-memory file-system under /mytmpfs. The encryption keyfile must contain 32 bytes of data.

    This output is used if you want to use the program to generate your encryption key.The program must output the encryption on standard outputand exit. The encryption keyfile must contain 32 bytes of data.