Preliminary Information

    The data directory is configured in arangod.conf:

    You have to make sure that the Cluster instance uses a different data directoryas the standalone instance. If that is not already the case, change the entry in arangod.conf as seen above to a differentdirectory

    1. # in arangod.conf:
    2. [database]

    and create it with the correct permissions:

    1. [server]
    2. endpoint = tcp://

    to something unused, e.g.


    This section applies to SystemV-compatible init systems (e.g. sysvinit, OpenRC,upstart). The steps are different for systemd.

    If you have previously changed the default init script, move it out of the way

    1. $ mv -vi /etc/init.d/arangodb3 /etc/init.d/arangodb3.cluster

    and add it to the autostart; how this is done depends on your distribution andinit system. On older Debian and Ubuntu systems, you can use :

    Make sure your init script uses a different PIDFILE than the default script!