Using the ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator with Helm

    The benefit of helm (in the context of the ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator)is that it allows for a lot of flexibility in how you install the operator.For example you can install the operator in a namespace other thandefault.

    The ArangoDB Kubernetes Operator is contained in two helm charts:

    • kube-arangodb which contains the operator for the ArangoDeployment, ArangoLocalStorageand ArangoDeploymentReplication resource types.
    • kube-arangodb-crd which contains the CRD for the ArangoDeployment and ArangoDeploymentReplication resource types.

    The following values can be configured when installing theArangoDB Kubernetes Operator with helm.

    Values are passed to helm using an —set=<key>=<value> argument passedto the or helm upgrade command.

    Image used for the ArangoDB Operator.

    Default: arangodb/kube-arangodb:latest


    Image pull policy for Operator images.

    Default: IfNotPresent


    List of the Image Pull Secrets for Operator images.

    Default: []string


    Type of the Operator service.

    Default: ClusterIP


    Annotations passed to the Operator Deployment definition.

    CPU limits for operator pods.

    Default: 1


    Memory limits for operator pods.

    Default: 256Mi


    Requested CPI by Operator pods.

    Default: 250m


    Requested memory for operator pods.

    Default: 256Mi


    Replication count for Operator deployment.

    Default: 2

    Update strategy for operator pod.

    Default: Recreate


    Define if ArangoDeployment Operator should be enabled.


    Define if ArangoDeploymentReplications Operator should be enabled.


    Define if ArangoLocalStorage Operator should be enabled.

    Default: false


    Define if ArangoBackup Operator should be enabled.

    Default: false

    Define if RBAC should be enabled.

    Default: true

    The kube-arangodb chart supports deployment into a non-default namespace.

    To install the kube-arangodb chart is a non-default namespace, use the —namespaceargument like this.

    Note that since the operators claim exclusive access to a namespace, you caninstall the kube-arangodb chart in a namespace once.You can install the kube-arangodb chart in multiple namespaces. To do so, run:

    1. helm install --namespace=namespace2 kube-arangodb.tgz

    The kube-arangodb-storage chart is always installed in the kube-system namespace.

    Error: no available release name found

    This error is given by helm install … in some cases where it hasinsufficient permissions to install charts.