Start ArangoDB on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

    Refer to the AWS documentationto accordingly fill in the below with your credentials.Pay special attention to the correct region information to find your cluster next.

    2. AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
    3. Default region name [None]: us-west-2
    4. Default output format [None]: json

    Verify that you can see your cluster listed, when authenticated

    1. $ aws eks list-clusters
    2. {
    3. "clusters": [
    4. "ArangoDB"
    5. ]
    6. }

    You should be able to verify the ACTIVE state of your cluster

    1. $ aws eks describe-cluster --name ArangoDB --query cluster.status
    2. "ACTIVE"

    Integrate kubernetes configuration locally

    It’s time to integrate the cluster into your local kubernetes configurations

    1. $ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name ArangoDB

    At this point, we are ready to use kubectl to communicate with the cluster.

    1. No resources found.

    Create worker Stack

    On Amazon EKS, we need to launch worker nodes, as the cluster has none.Open Amazon’s and choose Create Stack by specifying this S3 template URL:



    Worker stack details

    Stack name: Choose a name for your stack. For example ArangoDB-stack

    ClusterName: Important!!! Use the same name as above, refer to aws eks list-clusters.

    ClusterControlPlaneSecurityGroup: Choose the same SecurityGroups value as above, when you create your EKS Cluster.

    NodeGroupName: Enter a name for your node group for example ArangoDB-node-group

    NodeAutoScalingGroupMinSize: Minimum number of nodes to which you may scale your workers.

    NodeAutoScalingGroupMaxSize: Nomen est omen.

    NodeInstanceType: Choose an instance type for your worker nodes. For this test we went with the default t2.medium instances.

    NodeImageId: Dependent on the region, there are two image Ids for boxes with and without GPU support.

    VpcId: The same VPCId, which you get using aws eks describe-cluster —name <your-cluster-name> —query cluster.resourcesVpcConfig.vpcId

    Subnets: Choose the subnets that you created in Create your Amazon EKS Cluster VPC.

    Wait for stack to get ready


    Note down NodeInstanceRole

    Once stack is ready, navigate at the bottom to the Outputs pane and note down the NodeInstanceRole

    Integrate worker stack as Kubernetes nodes

    • Download the configuration map here:
    1. $ curl -O
    • Modify data|mapRoles|rolearn to match the NoteInstanceRole, you acquired after your node stack was finished

    • Deploy node integration

    1. $ kubectl apply -f aws-auth-cm.yaml

    Monitor and watch your nodes to be ready

    Setup helm

    • Create service account for tiller
    1. $ kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
    2. serviceaccount/tiller created
    • Allow tiller to modify the cluster
    1. $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule \
    2. --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
    3. created
    • Initialize helm
    1. $ helm init --service-account tiller
    2. $HELM_HOME has been configured at ~/.helm.
    3. ...

    Deploy ArangoDB cluster

    1. $ kubectl apply -f

    Wait for cluster to become ready

    Do not forget to immediately assign a secure database password once on Coordinator