Arangodump Data Maskings

    This feature allows you to define how sensitive data shall be dumped.It is possible to exclude collections entirely, limit the dump to thestructural information of a collection (name, indexes, sharding etc.)or to obfuscate certain fields for a dump. A JSON configuration file isused to define which collections and fields to mask and how.

    The general structure of the configuration file looks like this:

    At the top level, there is an object with collection names and the maskingsettings to be applied to them. Using as collection name defines adefault behavior for collections not listed explicitly.

    type is a string describing how to mask the given collection.Possible values are:

    • "exclude": the collection is ignored completely and not even thestructure data is dumped.

    • "structure": only the collection structure is dumped, but no data at all

    • "masked": the collection structure and all data is dumped. However, the datais subject to obfuscation defined in the attribute maskings. It is an arrayof objects, with one object per field to mask. Each object needs at least apath and a type attribute to and whichmasking function to apply. Depending on themasking type, there may exist additional attributes.

    • "full": the collection structure and all data is dumped. No masking isapplied to this collection at all.


    1. {
    2. "private": {
    3. "type": "exclude"
    4. },
    5. "log": {
    6. "type": "structure"
    7. },
    8. "person": {
    9. "type": "masked",
    10. "maskings": [
    11. {
    12. "path": "name",
    13. "type": "xifyFront",
    14. "unmaskedLength": 2
    15. },
    16. {
    17. "path": ".security_id",
    18. "type": "xifyFront",
    19. "unmaskedLength": 2
    20. }
    21. ]
    22. }
    23. }
    • The collection called private is completely ignored.
    • Only the structure of the collection log is dumped, but not the data itself.
    • The collection person is dumped completely but with maskings applied:
      • The name field is masked if it occurs on the top-level.
      • It also masks fields with the name security_id anywhere in the document.
      • The masking function is of type in both cases.The additional setting unmaskedLength is specific so xifyFront.

    arangodump also supports a very coarse masking with the option—dump-data false. This basically removes all data from the dump.

    You can either use —maskings or —dump-data false, but not both.

    Masking vs. include-collection option

    arangodump also supports a very coarse masking with the option—include-collection. This will restrict the collections that aredumped to the ones explicitly listed.

    It is possible to combine —maskings and —include-collection.This will take the intersection of exportable collections.

    path defines which field to obfuscate. There can only be a singlepath per masking, but an unlimited amount of maskings per collection.

    Note that the top-level system attributes like _key, _from arenever masked.

    To mask a top-level attribute value, the path is simply the attributename, for instance "name" to mask the value "foobar":

    1. {
    2. "_key": "1234",
    3. "name": "foobar"
    4. }

    The path to a nested attribute name with a top-level attribute personas its parent is "":

    1. {
    2. "_key": "1234",
    3. "person": {
    4. "name": "foobar"
    5. }
    6. }

    If the path starts with a . then it matches any path ending in name.For example, .name will match the field name of all leaf attributesin the document. Leaf attributes are attributes whose value is null,true, false, or of data type string, number or array.That means, it matches name at the top levelas well as at any nested level (e.g., but not nestedobjects themselves.

    On the other hand, name will only match leaf attributesat top level. will match the attribute name of a leafin the top-level object person. If person was itself an object,then the masking settings for this path would be ignored, because itis not a leaf attribute.

    If the attribute value is an array then the masking is applied toall array elements individually.

    If you have an attribute name that contains a dot, you need to quote thename with either a tick or a backtick. For example:

    1. "path": "´name.with.dots´"


    1. "path": "`name.with.dots`"


    The following configuration will replace the value of the nameattribute with an “xxxx”-masked string:

    1. {
    2. "type": "xifyFront",
    3. "path": ".name",
    4. "unmaskedLength": 2
    5. }

    The document:

    1. {
    2. "name": "top-level-name",
    3. "age": 42,
    4. "nicknames" : [ { "name": "hugo" }, "egon" ],
    5. "other": {
    6. "name": [ "emil", { "secret": "superman" } ]
    7. }
    8. }

    … will be changed as follows:

    1. {
    2. "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxxme",
    3. "age": 42,
    4. "nicknames" : [ { "name": "xxgo" }, "egon" ],
    5. "other": {
    6. "name": [ "xxil", { "secret": "superman" } ]
    7. }
    8. }

    The values "egon" and "superman" are not replaced, because theyare not contained in an attribute value of which the attribute name isname.

    Nested objects and arrays

    If you specify a path and the attribute value is an array then themasking decision is applied to each element of the array as if thiswas the value of the attribute. This applies to arrays inside the array too.

    If the attribute value is an object, then it is ignored and the attributedoes not get masked. To mask nested fields, specify the full path for eachleaf attribute.

    If some documents have an attribute email with a string as value, but otherdocuments store a nested object under the same attribute name, then make sureto set up proper masking for the latter case, in which sub-attributes will notget masked if there is only a masking configured for the attribute emailbut not its nested attributes.


    1. {
    2. "email" : "email address"
    3. }

    … into:

    1. {
    2. "email" : "xxil xxxxxxss"
    3. }

    because email is a leaf attribute. The document:

    1. "email" : [
    2. "address one",
    3. "address two",
    4. [
    5. "address three"
    6. ]
    7. ]
    8. }

    … will be converted into:

    … because the masking is applied to each array element individuallyincluding the elements of the sub-array. The document:

    1. {
    2. "email" : {
    3. "address" : "email address"
    4. }
    5. }

    … will not be changed because email is not a leaf attribute.To mask the email address, you could use the paths email.addressor .address.

    Match all

    If the path is "*" then this match any leaf attribute.

    The following masking functions are only available in theEnterprise Edition,also available as .

    The masking functions:

    … are available in the Community Edition as well as the Enterprise Edition.

    This masking type will replace all values of attributes whose values are stringswith key name with an anonymized string. It is not guaranteed that thestring will be of the same length. Attribute whose values are not stringsare not modified.

    A hash of the original string is computed. If the original string isshorter then the hash will be used. This will result in a longerreplacement string. If the string is longer than the hash thencharacters will be repeated as many times as needed to reach the fulloriginal string length.

    Masking settings:

    • path (string): which field to mask
    • type (string): masking function name "randomString"


    1. {
    2. "path": ".name",
    3. "type": "randomString"
    4. }

    Above masking setting applies to all leaf attributes with name .name.A document like:

    1. {
    2. "_key" : "1234",
    3. "name" : [
    4. "My Name",
    5. {
    6. "other" : "Hallo Name"
    7. },
    8. [
    9. "Name One",
    10. "Name Two"
    11. ],
    12. true,
    13. false,
    14. null,
    15. 1.0,
    16. 1234,
    17. "This is a very long name"
    18. ],
    19. "deeply": {
    20. "nested": {
    21. "name": "John Doe",
    22. "not-a-name": "Pizza"
    23. }
    24. }
    25. }

    … will be converted to:

    1. {
    2. "_key": "1234",
    3. "name": [
    4. "+y5OQiYmp/o=",
    5. {
    6. "other": "Hallo Name"
    7. },
    8. [
    9. "ihCTrlsKKdk=",
    10. "yo/55hfla0U="
    11. ],
    12. true,
    13. false,
    14. null,
    15. 1.0,
    16. 1234,
    17. "hwjAfNe5BGw=hwjAfNe5BGw="
    18. ],
    19. "deeply": {
    20. "nested": {
    21. "name": "55fHctEM/wY=",
    22. "not-a-name": "Pizza"
    23. }
    24. }
    25. }


    This masking type works like random string for attributes with stringvalues. Values Attributes with integer, decimal or boolean values arereplaced by random integers, decimals or boolean.

    Xify Front

    This masking type replaces the front characters with x andblanks. Alphanumeric characters, _ and - are replaced by x,everything else is replaced by a blank.

    Masking settings:

    • path (string): which field to mask
    • type (string): masking function name "xifyFront"
    • unmaskedLength (number, default: 2): how many characters toleave as-is on the right-hand side of each word as integer value
    • hash (bool, default: false): whether to append a hash value to themasked string to avoid possible unique constraint violations caused bythe obfuscation
    • seed (integer, default: 0): used as secret for computing the hash.A value of 0 means a random seed


    1. {
    2. "path": ".name",
    3. "type": "xifyFront",
    4. "unmaskedLength": 2
    5. }

    This will mask all alphanumeric characters of a word except the lasttwo characters. Words of length 1 and 2 are unmasked. If theattribute value is not a string the result will be xxxx.

    1. "This is a test!Do you agree?"

    … will become:

    1. "xxis is a xxst Do xou xxxee "

    There is a catch. If you have an index on the attribute the maskingmight distort the index efficiency or even cause errors in case of aunique index.

    1. "type": "xifyFront",
    2. "path": ".name",
    3. "unmaskedLength": 2,
    4. "hash": true
    5. }

    This will add a hash at the end of the string.

    1. "This is a test!Do you agree?"

    … will become

    1. "xxis is a xxst Do xou xxxee NAATm8c9hVQ="

    Note that the hash is based on a random secret that is different foreach run. This avoids dictionary attacks which can be used to guessvalues based pre-computations on dictionaries.

    If you need reproducible results, i.e. hashes that do not change betweendifferent runs of arangodump, you need to specify a secret as seed,a number which must not be 0.

    1. {
    2. "type": "xifyFront",
    3. "path": ".name",
    4. "unmaskedLength": 2,
    5. "hash": true,
    6. }


    This masking type replaces a zip code with a random one.It uses the following rules:

    • If a character of the original zip code is a digit it will be replacedby a random digit.
    • If a character of the original zip code is a letter itwill be replaced by a random letter keeping the case.
    • If the attribute value is not a string then the default value is used.

    Note that this will generate random zip codes. Therefore there is achance that the same zip code value is generated multiple times, which cancause unique constraint violations if a unique index is or will beused on the zip code attribute.

    Masking settings:

    • path (string): which field to mask
    • type (string): masking function name "zip"
    • default (string, default: "12345"): if the input field is not ofdata type string, then this value is used


    This replaces real zip codes stored in fields called code at any levelwith random ones. "12345" is used as fallback value.

    1. {
    2. "path": ".code",
    3. "type": "zip",
    4. "default": "abcdef"
    5. }
    1. 50674

    … it will be replaced by e.g.:

    1. 98146

    If the original zip code is:

    1. SA34-EA

    … it will be replaced by e.g.:

    1. OW91-JI

    If the original zip code is null, true, false or a number, then theuser-defined default value of "abcdef" will be used.

    This masking type replaces the value of the attribute with a randomdate between two configured dates in a customizable format.

    Masking settings:

    • path (string): which field to mask
    • type (string): masking function name "datetime"
    • begin (string, default: "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000"):earliest point in time to return. Date time string in ISO 8601 format.
    • end (string, default: now):latest point in time to return. Date time string in ISO 8601 format.In case a partial date time string is provided (e.g. 2010-06 without dayand time) the earliest date and time is assumed (2010-06-01T00:00:00.000).The default value is the current system date and time.
    • format (string, default: ""): the formatting string format isdescribed in DATE_FORMAT().If no format is specified, then the result will be an empty string.


    1. {
    2. "path": "eventDate",
    3. "type": "datetime",
    4. "begin" : "2019-01-01",
    5. "end": "2019-12-31",
    6. "format": "%yyyy-%mm-%dd",
    7. }

    Above example masks the field eventDate by returning a random date timestring in the range of January 1st and December 31st in 2019 using a formatlike 2019-06-17.

    Integral Number

    This masking type replaces the value of the attribute with a randomintegral number. It will replace the value even if it is a string,Boolean, or null.

    Masking settings:

    • path (string): which field to mask
    • type (string): masking function name "integer"
    • lower (number, default: -100): smallest integer value to return
    • upper (number, default: 100): largest integer value to return


    1. {
    2. "path": "count",
    3. "type": "integer",
    4. "lower" : -100,
    5. "upper": 100
    6. }

    This masks the field count with a random number between-100 and 100 (inclusive).

    Decimal Number

    This masking type replaces the value of the attribute with a randomfloating point number. It will replace the value even if it is a string,Boolean, or null.

    Masking settings:

    • path (string): which field to mask
    • type (string): masking function name "decimal"
    • lower (number, default: -1): smallest floating point value to return
    • upper (number, default: 1): largest floating point value to return
    • scale (number, default: 2): maximal amount of digits in thedecimal fraction part


    1. {
    2. "path": "rating",
    3. "type": "decimal",
    4. "lower" : -0.3,
    5. "upper": 0.3
    6. }

    This masks the field rating with a random floating point number between-0.3 and +0.3 (inclusive). By default, the decimal has a scale of 2.That means, it has at most 2 digits after the dot.

    The configuration:

    1. {
    2. "path": "rating",
    3. "type": "decimal",
    4. "lower" : -0.3,
    5. "upper": 0.3,
    6. "scale": 3
    7. }

    … will generate numbers with at most 3 decimal digits.

    Credit Card Number

    This masking type replaces the value of the attribute with a randomcredit card number (as integer number).See for details.

    Masking settings:

    • path (string): which field to mask
    • type (string): masking function name "creditCard"


    1. {
    2. "path": "ccNumber",
    3. "type": "creditCard"
    4. }

    This generates a random credit card number to mask field ccNumber,e.g. 4111111414443302.

    This masking type replaces a phone number with a random one.It uses the following rule:

    • If a character of the original number is a digitit will be replaced by a random digit.
    • If it is a letter it is replaced by a random letter.
    • All other characters are left unchanged.
    • If the attribute value is not a string it is replaced by thedefault value.

    Masking settings:

    • path (string): which field to mask
    • type (string): masking function name "phone"
    • default (string, default: "+1234567890"): if the input fieldis not of data type string, then this value is used


    1. {
    2. "path": "phone.landline",
    3. "type": "phone"
    4. }

    This will replace an existing phone number with a random one, for instance"+31 66-77-88-xx" might get substituted by "+75 10-79-52-sb".

    This masks a phone number as before, but falls back to a different defaultphone number in case the input value is not a string.

    Email Address

    This masking type takes an email address, computes a hash value andsplits it into three equal parts AAAA, BBBB, and CCCC. Theresulting email address is in the format AAAA.BBBB@CCCC.invalid.The hash is based on a random secret that is different for each run.

    Masking settings:

    • path (string): which field to mask
    • type (string): masking function name "email"


    1. {
    2. "path": ".email",
    3. "type": "email"

    This masks every leaf attribute with a random email addresssimilar to "EHwG.3AOg@hGU=.invalid".