This method allows to create new services. 此方法允许创建新的服务。

    Additionally to the , the method accepts the following parameters. 除standard service properties之外,该方法接受以下参数。

    Creating an service 创建服务

    Create an service that will be switched to problem state, if at least one child has a problem. SLA calculation will be on and the minimum acceptable SLA is 99.99%. 创建一个至少有一个子服务有问题,将被切换到问题状态的服务。SLA计算将打开并且SLA最低可接受99.99%。 Request 请求:

    1. {
    2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    3. "result": {
    4. "5"
    5. ]
    6. },
    7. "id": 1

    CService::create() in frontends/php/include/classes/api/services/CService.php. CService::create()方法可在frontends/php/include/classes/api/services/CService.php中参考。