
    The sounds of Zabbix frontend have been successfully tested in the following web browser versions and no additional configuration was required: Zabbix前端的声音已经在以下Web浏览器版本中成功测试,且不需要其的配置:

    • Opera 11.01 on Linux Linux上的Opera 11.01

    • Google Chrome 9.0 on Windows Windows上的Google Chrome 9.0

    • Firefox 3.5.16 on Windows Windows上的Firefox 3.5.16

    • IE7 browser on Windows Windows上的IE7

    • Chrome v9.0 on Windows Windows山的Chrome v9.0

    Additional requirements附加要求

    Firefox v 3.5.16

    For playing files in the Firefox browser you can use one of the following applications: 要在Firefox浏览器中播放wav文件,您可以使用以下应用:

    • Windows Media Player

    • Quick Time plug-in. Quick Time 插件

    Then, in Tools → Options → Applications, in “Wave sound (audio/wav)” set Windows Media Player to play these files. 然后,在 Tools(工具) → Options(选项) → Applications(应用程序), 中,“Wave sound(audio / wav)”中设置Windows Media Player播放这些文件

    Safari 5.0
    Microsoft Internet Explorer

    To play sounds in MSIE7 and MSIE8: 在 IE7和IE8中播放声音:

    • In Tools → Internet Options → Advanced enable Play sounds in webpages

    • In Tools → Manage Add-ons… enable Windows Media Player

    • In the Windows Media Player, in Tools→Options→File Types enable Windows audio file (wav)

    In the Windows Media Player, in Tools→Options tab, “File Types” is only available if the user is a member of “Power Users” or “Administrators” group, i.e. a regular user does not have access to this tab and does not see it.在Windows Media Player的“Tools”→“Options”选项卡中,“File Types”仅在用户是“高级用户”或“管理员”组的成员时可用,即普通用户无权访问此选项卡而不是“看见”。

    An additional thing - if IE does not have some *.wav file in the local cache directory (%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files) the sound will not play the first time. 另外 - 如果IE在本地缓存目录(%userprofile%\ Local Settings \ Temporary Internet Files)中没有一些* .wav文件,则声音将不会在第一次播放。

    Known not to work已知无法正常工作的
    • Opera 10.11 on Linux. 在Linux下的Opera 10.11.