Time period 时间周期

    timeperiodidstring(readonly) ID of the maintenance. 维护模式ID。
    dayintegerDay of the month when the maintenance must come into effect. 维护模式生效的月份天次。

    Required only for monthly time periods. 月份时间周期要求。
    dayofweekintegerDays of the week when the maintenance must come into effect. 维护模式生效的周次。

    Days are stored in binary form with each bit representing the corresponding day. For example, 4 equals 100 in binary and means, that maintenance will be enabled on Wednesday. 日期以二进制形式存储,每个比特代表对应的一天。例如,4在二进制中等于100,意味着星期三将启用维护。

    Used for weekly and monthly time periods. Required only for weekly time periods. 用于周或月时间周期。仅周时间周期要求。
    everyintegerFor daily and weekly periods defines day or week intervals at which the maintenance must come into effect. 对于天或者周的周期every定义维护模式生效的天或者周间隔。

    For monthly periods defines the week of the month when the maintenance must come into effect. 对于月周期every定义该月维护模式生效的周次。
    Possible values: 可能的值:
    1 - first week;
    2 - second week;
    3 - third week;
    4 - fourth week;
    5 - last week.
    monthintegerMonths when the maintenance must come into effect. 维护模式必须生效的月份。

    Months are stored in binary form with each bit representing the corresponding month. For example, 5 equals 101 in binary and means, that maintenance will be enabled in January and March. 月份以二进制形式存储,每个位代表相应月份。例如,5在二进制中等于101,意味着维护将在一月和3月启用。

    Required only for monthly time periods. 只有月时间周期要求。
    periodintegerTime of day when the maintenance starts in seconds. 维护模式周期的时间(秒)。

    Default: 3600.
    start_datetimestampDate when the maintenance period must come into effect. 维护模式必须生效的日期。

    Required only for one time periods.

    Default: current date.
    start_timeintegerTime of day when the maintenance starts in seconds. 一天内维护模式开始的时刻。

    Required for daily, weekly and monthly periods.天、周、月周期要求。
    timeperiod_typeintegerType of time period. 时间周期类型。

    Possible values: 可能的值:
    0 - (default) one time only;
    2 - daily;
    3 - weekly;
    4 - monthly.