
    Step 1 步骤 1

    To define your own theme you’ll need to create a CSS file and save it in the styles/ folder (for example, custom-theme.css). You can either copy the files from a different theme and create your theme based on it or start from scratch.为了制作属于您自己的主题,您需要在 styles/ 文件夹下创建一个 CSS 文件(例如: custom-theme.css)。您可以从不同的主题复制文件,并据此创建主题,或从头开始创作。

    Step 2 步骤 2

    Add your theme to the list of themes returned by the Z::getThemes() method. You can do this by overriding the ZBase::getThemes() method in the Z class. This can be done by adding the following code before the closing brace in include/classes/core/Z.php:您可以通过 Z::getThemes() 方法将您的主题添加到主题列表中。您可以通过覆盖Z类中的 ZBase::getThemes() 方法来执行此操作。这可以通过在 include/classes/core/Z.php: 中的关闭括号之前添加以下代码:

    To add multiple themes, just list them under the first theme, for example:添加多个主题,只需要将它们罗列在第一个主题下面即可,例如:

    1. return array_merge(parent::getThemes(), array(
    2. ));

    Note that every theme except the last one must have a trailing comma.注意:除了最后的一个主题外,其他主题必须用逗号分隔。

    Step 3 步骤 3

    Activate the new theme.激活新主题

    In Zabbix frontend, you may either set this theme to be the default one or change your theme in the user profile. 在Zabbix前端,您可以将此主题设置为默认主题或在用户资料改主题。