17 其他问题

Login and systemd


We recommend a zabbix user as system user, that is, without ability to log in. Some users ignore this recommendation and use the same account to log in (e. g. using SSH) to host running Zabbix. This might crash Zabbix daemon on log out. In this case you will get something like the following in Zabbix server log:

我们建议创建zabbix用户作为系统用户,也就是说,该用户不能登录到系统。一些用户忽略了这个建议,使用相同的帐户登录(例如使用SSH),来管理运行Zabbix。这可能会使Zabbix的守护进程在注销时崩溃。这种情况下,在Zabbix server的日志中会出现如下内容:

and in Zabbix agent log:

This happens because of default systemd setting configured in /etc/systemd/logind.conf. When you log out of the system the semaphores created by Zabbix previously are removed which causes the crash.

A quote from systemd documentation:

这是由于在/etc/systemd/logind.conf配置文件中默设置所致。当您退出系统时,Zabbix先前创建的信号量将被删除,这将导致崩溃。 以下内容摘自systemd文档:

  1. (not recommended) Set RemoveIPC=no in /etc/systemd/logind.conf and reboot the system. Note that is a system-wide parameter, changing it will affect the whole system.


  1. (不推荐) 在/etc/systemd/logind.conf配置文件中,设置 RemoveIPC=no ,并重启系统。 需要注意的是, 是系统范围的参数,其值更改后会影响整个系统。