The method allows to retrieve template screens according to the given parameters. 此方法允许根据指定的参数来检索聚合图形模板。

    Parameters 参数

    (object) Parameters defining the desired output. (object)定义所需输出的参数。 The method supports the following parameters. 该方法支持以下参数。

    • an array of objects; 一组对象;

    • the count of retrieved objects, if the countOutput parameter has been used. 如果已经使用了countOutput参数,则检索对象的计数。

    Examples 范例

    Retrieve screens from template 从模板中检索聚合图形

    Request 请求:

    Response 响应:

    1. {
    2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    3. "result": [
    4. {
    5. "screenid": "3",
    6. "name": "System performance",
    7. "hsize": "2",
    8. "vsize": "2",
    9. "templateid": "10001",
    10. "screenitems": [
    11. {
    12. "screenitemid": "20",
    13. "screenid": "3",
    14. "resourcetype": "0",
    15. "resourceid": "433",
    16. "width": "500",
    17. "height": "120",
    18. "x": "0",
    19. "colspan": "1",
    20. "rowspan": "1",
    21. "valign": "1",
    22. "halign": "0",
    23. "style": "0",
    24. "url": ""
    25. },
    26. {
    27. "screenitemid": "21",
    28. "screenid": "3",
    29. "resourcetype": "0",
    30. "resourceid": "387",
    31. "width": "500",
    32. "height": "100",
    33. "x": "0",
    34. "y": "1",
    35. "colspan": "1",
    36. "rowspan": "1",
    37. "elements": "0",
    38. "valign": "1",
    39. "halign": "0",
    40. "style": "0",
    41. "url": ""
    42. },
    43. {
    44. "screenitemid": "22",
    45. "screenid": "3",
    46. "resourcetype": "1",
    47. "resourceid": "10013",
    48. "width": "500",
    49. "x": "1",
    50. "colspan": "1",
    51. "rowspan": "1",
    52. "elements": "0",
    53. "valign": "1",
    54. "halign": "0",
    55. "style": "0",
    56. "url": ""
    57. },
    58. {
    59. "screenitemid": "23",
    60. "screenid": "3",
    61. "resourcetype": "1",
    62. "resourceid": "22181",
    63. "width": "500",
    64. "height": "184",
    65. "x": "1",
    66. "y": "1",
    67. "colspan": "1",
    68. "rowspan": "1",
    69. "elements": "0",
    70. "valign": "1",
    71. "halign": "0",
    72. "style": "0",
    73. "url": ""
    74. }
    75. ]
    76. }
    77. ],
    78. "id": 1

    Source 源码