The method allows to retrieve problems according to the given parameters. 此方法允许根据给定参数检索符合条件的问题

    (object) Parameters defining the desired output. (object) 定义所需输出的参数

    The method supports the following parameters. 此方法支持一下参数

    Retrieving trigger problem events 返回触发器问题事件



    1. {
    2. "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    3. "result": [
    4. {
    5. "eventid": "1245463",
    6. "source": "0",
    7. "object": "0",
    8. "objectid": "15112",
    9. "ns": "209442442",
    10. "r_clock": "1472457285",
    11. "r_ns": "125644870",
    12. "correlationid": "0",
    13. "userid": "1",
    14. "name": "Zabbix agent on localhost is unreachable for 5 minutes",
    15. "acknowledged": "1",
    16. "severity": "3",
    17. "acknowledges": [
    18. {
    19. "acknowledgeid": "14443",
    20. "userid": "1",
    21. "eventid": "1245463",
    22. "clock": "1472457281",
    23. "action": "6",
    24. "old_severity": "0",
    25. }
    26. ],
    27. "tags": [
    28. {
    29. "tag": "test tag",
    30. "value": "test value"
    31. }
    32. ]
    33. }
    34. ],
    35. "id": 1
    36. }