
    可以在 配置 - >主机中访问主机的应用程序列表,然后单击相应主机的应用程序。



    点击 右上角创建应用程序按钮配置新的应用程序。



    • Disable - 将应用状态更改为 禁用


    1 Applications


    The application list for a template can be accessed from Configuration → Templates and then clicking on Applications for the respective template.

    The application list for a host can be accessed from Configuration → Hosts and then clicking on Applications for the respective host.

    A list of existing applications is displayed.

    Displayed data:

    ApplicationName of the application, displayed as a blue link for directly created applications.
    Clicking on the application name link opens the application .
    If the host application belongs to a template, the template name is displayed before the application name, as a grey link. Clicking on the template link will open the application list on the template level.
    ItemsClick on Items to view the items contained in the application. The number of items is displayed in grey.
    InfoError information (if any) regarding the application is displayed.

    To configure a new application, click on the Create application button in the top right-hand corner.

    Mass editing options

    Buttons below the list offer some mass-editing options:

    • Enable - change application status to Enabled

    • Disable - change application status to Disabled

    • Delete - delete the applications