6 Special notes on “Include” parameter

    如果Include 参数用来包含一个目录: If an Include parameter is used for including a directory:

    1. 该目录下所有文件必须可读。

    2. 不考虑包含的特定顺序 (例如:文件不按字母顺序包含)。因此,不要在几个Include文件中定义一个相同参数(例如:以特定参数覆盖通用设置)。

    3. All files in the directory must be readable.

    4. No particular order of inclusion should be assumed (e.g. files are not included in alphabetical order). Therefore do not define one parameter in several Include files (e.g. to override a general setting with a specific one).

    5. Beware of file backup copies automatically created by some text editors. For example, if editing the include/my_specific.conf file produces a backup copy then both files will be included. Move include/my_specific.conf.BAK out of the “Include” directory. On Linux, contents of the Include directory can be checked with a ls -al command for unnecessary files.

    1. 与模式匹配的所有文件都必须是可读的。

    2. 不考虑包含的特定顺序 (例如:文件不按字母顺序包含)。因此,不要在几个文件中定义一个相同参数(例如:以特定参数覆盖通用设置)。

    3. No particular order of inclusion should be assumed (e.g. files are not included in alphabetical order). Therefore do not define one parameter in several Include files (e.g. to override a general setting with a specific one).